When starting up a new blog, it can be really difficult to know where to actually start. You have the space now, you just have to fill it. But with what? Getting ideas for articles is something that any content creator or writer struggle with at some point, but that is why the internet is such a valuable source of information. Here are some of the best places to find inspiration when writing copy for your blog.
What is your blog about?
Something that is important to consider when beginning your writing, is to keep it in line with what your blog is about. If you run a travel blog, don’t write articles about music. People like to follow specific things and know what kind of content they will receive in the future. Look for content that emulates your mission with the blog and stay in the same realm.
Consider what your peers or competitors are doing
You need to be careful here not to stick to closely to what anyone else is doing because you want to develop your own style and have your own audience, however taking a look at your competitors’ blog posts and seeing what people like the most on their blogs might be the key to your inspiration.
Search Engine Optimization
If you don’t know what SEO is, then you need to look it up fast. This is something that is essential in any kind of content creating you are doing.
What this means is, making the most of search engine algorithms and the words that you choose to use in your content, to get your posts to the top of a search engines list. This can be single words or phrases, but they need to be used in such a way as to not over power the content but be present enough to affect the algorithm. By finding out what SEO words are being utilized most in your area, you can find ideas for articles.
For instance, if you are a beauty blogger and you see that a lot of posts are using, or a lot of people are searching for ‘cruelty-free makeup’, then you know what your next blog post should be about.
Ask the audience
One of the most overlooked, but also the most useful methods to finding what you should be writing about, is to simply as your followers. Once you have a few people engaging with your content, and you’ve established a rapport with them, ask them what they would like you to cover next.
Your own audience will have ideas that you might never think of yourself, and they will also have expectations of what you might do in the future that you can happily utilize. This cuts out the risk of bombing on a boring post, because you already know writing it, that this is something your audience will click on and read eagerly, because they asked you to write it.
This amazing article about Article ideas blogging was brought to you by the leaders in Copy writing Services – http://www.copyandco.co.za . The people from Copy & Co is a Freelance Copy writing Agency located in Cape Town, South Africa. With over 3000 articles written in the last 12 months this Copy writing company is by far the biggest most sought-after Copy writing Services company in the Southern Hemisphere. If you need more information please contact them @ [email protected]