The Hard Good by Lisa Whittle
In Lisa Whittle’s newest book, The Hard Good, she shares a message that gives insight into how to overcome things that we cannot change though acceptance. This book will cause you to think, examine and reflect how the hard that you have gone through, are going through or have yet to go through is an essential part of life – it is the path we are meant to travel with the hardships God already knows about. Nobody escapes hardship or difficulty. We will all go through hard – sometimes it seems like these hardships are unbearable even to the point you might physically break – but to go through these hard, often difficult times are all part of life.
Lisa Whittle is going to help you navigate your way though the hard times. But the catch, you have to walk though it – being fully open to experiencing and living it – every minute. And that is where the good comes in – when you do that – you come through being better and are able to reach your full potential in life and are able to fully thrive. The good is feeling, thinking, praising, rejoicing, and living! Don’t you want to feel better?
Human nature causes some people to want to resist the hard, turn away and try to substitute things in place of feeling those certain feelings of disappointment, frustration, longing, emptiness, inadequacy, jealousy (the list is long!) – but you encourage people to take that hard journey. This book reframes the work we need to do in the inevitable “hard” times of our lives – makes us realize the importance to going through it with God.
My visit with Lisa for the Sharing Passion and Purpose Podcast led her to answer several questions about the book, including:
How the message will help people who are “resistors”.
How to harnessing the power we already own – and overcome feeling stuck.
Learning how to notice signs of being triggered – how to process these emotions and what to do when you’re shutting down.
What the important two-word question, What now? can help clarify feelings to move on.
The importance of going through the hard to get to the good is critical. As Lisa puts it, “It is being courageous enough to move into something better – a better fruit, better mental health, better perspective, better life of hope and positivity.”
Check out the podcast on your favorite podcasting platform or directly at: https://sharingpassionandpurpose.com/podcast/lisawhittle.
You can find Lisa Whittle’s book online at Lisawhittle.com/good. Check out the list of chapters in this book –
1. Accepting Something you wish were something different
2. Cheering for someone when they get what you want
3. Showing up when you want to shut down
4. Doing what God Wants Even When it’s Disappointing Others
5. Finding Joy in the Waiting
6. Making Peace with Life When it’s Brought Loss
7. Facing Tough Conversations and Uncomfortable Truths
8. Opening Your Heart Again When it’s Been Hurt
9. Saying I’m Sorry First
10. Welcoming Change