I started at my current company in August 2018 and still pinch myself everyday. I get to work for an industry-leading organization led by two of the most brilliant and empathetic humans I’ve ever met. Jamie Reardon and Cristine Vieira aren’t like any leaders I’ve worked with before. They lead with empathy. And It’s not just a word on a list of core values. It’s in their DNA.
During this time of home quarantine, as we learn to navigate business and professional relationships, empathy is at the heart of our organization. Literally. Every single one of us.
Earlier this month, I reached out to our team from Arizona, Illinois and New York asking if they would be willing to share how our company’s core values are helping them manage life and work in quarantine. I am overwhelmed by their replies and couldn’t be more proud to be part of this tremendous organization.
Insist on Integrity
“I see the DNA in our leaders coming through in each of my teammates. In this time of global crisis, we know that our clients and social media influencers are each turning to us to help them efficiently pivot and create content that is considerate and legitimately helpful. We insist on integrity by finding thoughtful and proactive solutions for our clients and influencers to help them navigate their efforts during this uncertain time and to use their platforms for the greater good.”
Jordan Windle, Director of Account Management and Platform Services
Never Stop Improving
“I think the whole team is demonstrating the ‘Never Stop Improving’ core value during this time. The way everyone is coming together in communication and getting things shared fast shows how much everyone is continuing to improve even though we cannot be face-to-face.” Renee Ware, marketing intern
“The Find Your Influence team has portrayed our value of ‘Never Stop Improving’ during this time. Our group chats have been flooded with fun opportunities to learn more about the influencer marketing industry, free courses offered online that cover a variety of topics, and encouragement to take on new hobbies (like yoga!). The team’s willingness to use this extra time at home to grow our knowledge in different areas and expand our understanding of the influencer world is a testament to our commitment to this value. I am so inspired by our team everyday which encourages me to make the most of this time.” Sarah Hickam, Influencer Manager
Fuel Kindness
“In a time of uncertainty and anxiety, one of the most basic things we can do as humans is be compassionate. Don’t hoard things. Don’t have road rage. Reach out to friends and family. The last thing people need right now is an unpleasant experience with someone. This is a great core value and something everyone, including myself, can get better at.” Sam Griffen, Front End Developer
“One thing that has been sustaining me throughout this quarantine is my second family at FYI. The unparalleled kindness they’ve been showing me in these times of trouble has been amazing, staying in touch with everyone is what’s keeping me sane. The vibe and positivity during our virtual yoga classes and virtual happy hour every week is just the sweetest thing ever!” Ghaida AlShanti, Account Executive
Love Our Clients
“As a parent who regularly works from home, the reality of children crashing the party has always existed. With schools out now and the kids always around, it’s added a new layer to business relationships as the virus has led to us quickly revealing our personal side . As we approach an uncertain period, and find ourselves ALL in the same situation, it’s called for us to be more accepting of each other’s unique situations and in that acceptance, it’s allowed for an even deeper bond to be forged with our clients.” Charlie Brugnolotti, SVP of Sales
Unleash Inner Cheerleaders
“I think this goes without saying, but Chelsea Goodson is always looking for something to celebrate! Even during tough learning experiences, she’s the first to put a positive spin on it and highlight a team members’ strength. She’s been checking in on us all multiple times throughout the day to ensure we’re not feeling burned out or lonely by this extended work from home period. I’m endlessly thankful for her!” Piper Martin, Influencer Manager
“These past weeks I have felt my team really lean on each other for extra support and I have seen them unleash inner cheerleaders. I feel so proud to be a part of such an incredible group of individuals. By no means have these past weeks been easy, but it proves how strong we all are together and how lucky I am to be a part of the Find Your Influence family. When I am down or having a hard time focusing through these trying times I know I can rely on my team to give me a call or shoot me a positive message that completely changes my mood and lifts me up! ❤” Avalon VanderCook, Influencer Coordinator
Embrace Open Communication
“Although we are lucky enough to normally work from home two days a week, I’ve always appreciated my time in the office to connect and collaborate with my team. When you work in an open-office environment, it is easy to nudge someone for a quick question. However, now that we are confined to working strictly from home and practicing social distancing, I am pleasantly surprised at how seamless my FYI family has made this transition. From daily conference calls, to virtual happy hours, our team has never felt so connected. We have quickly adapted to our new work environment and by keeping open lines of communication, we have grown even stronger from it. ❤” Haley Galler, Account Manager
Nurture Accountability
“Our team works very hard to respond to client requests and recently Sam went above and beyond to provide for a client. She works extraordinarily hard to build authentic relationships with each client. I recently saw a situation where she responded with kindness while holding the person accountable.” Chrissy Dupper, Senior Manager of Content and Campaign Management
“Accountability takes many shapes in the current environment. Accountability to our clients to continue to deliver great service. Accountability to our talent and teammates to have kindness and empathy in our day to day virtual interactions. And last but not least accountability to ourselves to have patience as we adapt to the new normal.” Alicia Bachardy, VP of Sales
Create. Create. Create.
“Working from home has not been too difficult, seeing as we do it a few times a week anyway. My creative partner Tami and I check in a few times a day, as usual. Working like this is not very complicated because we know how to work together and do not need to see each other to work. We know how the other one understands things. So the only thing that has really changed is that I can lie down on the floor and mumble bad ideas out loud without bothering anyone, until I come up with a solution.” Michael Creel, Director of Marketing
Earn Respect
“Respect is one of the greatest expressions of love” – Miguel Angel Ruiz
“This is a quote I often think of when I think of strong people and in this particular case, a strong company. With people, respect starts with gratitude and self-love. With a company, respect starts with leaders and culture. At Find Your Influence, respect is not just a word, it’s a tradition; it’s something that trickles down from our leaders and creates a collaborative energy. From virtual group yoga to company happy hours to thoughtful check ins and texts messages; I have physically seen and felt the love from our leaders and the gratitude light up our company culture. This expression of love is felt by all; our team and our clients!” Samantha Ley, VP Client Development
“I see a combination of our core values with Earn Respect, Insist on Integrity and Embrace open Communication. Our teams are proactively working with clients to pivot their strategy and messaging to ensure the sensitivity during this time is addressed both to the influencers and how they create their content.” Joslyn Adasek, EVP of Sales and Strategic Partnerships
From virtual yoga, virtual happy hours and the regular check-ins via Slack, MicroSoft Teams, email, text and phone calls, it’s so uplifting to know that teammates are here to uplift one another.