Have you ever found yourself striving for success? Of course you have, we all have since the early years of school where success had the form of an “A” on a paper exam.
A common intention across nations, religions and cultures is to raise children to be successful. The actual word “success” and “being successful” has been imprinted in most children across the globe countless times through their childhood.
Being successful is the intention, the goal, the motivation but what would it take to be the aspiration itself?
Be pushed by motivation OR be pulled by inspiration towards a goal.
Plain motivation will eventually burn you out; true inspiration will be your never-ending energy source.
So let’s imagine you are all set up and ready to conquer this “mountain” called success. The intention is there, the effort is in place, your mind is set up and focused, actions are aligned and needed tools in hand. All set up, and off you go… YOOP, YOOP! You just did it!! You are on the top of the mountain! Everybody is cheering and congratulating you but something is just… not right.
You don’t feel as you thought you would. Instead, you feel Unfulfilled. Empty. Confused. Uninspired.
Your emotions are your compass towards success.
If it doesn’t feel right it probably isn’t, for you.
We are being taught in so many ways by our seniors and our society to follow the quest of success but how many of us have taken the time to define our own version of success first? How can you be happy in achieving a dream or goal that is not yours to begin with? How can you feel fulfillment in celebrating an achievement that is not aligned to your core values and true essence?
True success can be reached only in alignment with inner clarity and emotional engagement.
Define success on your own terms. Check-in with yourself & your emotions. Do the inner work. The right question will show you the right path.
How to define success on your own terms:
– In a world where everything is possible, what would the definition of success be for you?
– What does success, completely aligned to your true essence, look like for you?
– Imagine yourself 10 years in the future being as successful as you always wished. How do you feel? Describe in details.
– Which value of yours do you need to honor for you to feel successful?
– What do you need to let go off, for you to experience your true version of success?
– What version of your self do you need to let go off, for you to be successful in alignment to your core values and true essence?