Is today the day we reached the tipping point? Is today the day we say Enough?
In the midst of a worldwide health epidemic, a crashing economy and a political climate that feels like a reality TV show is it time we all collectively said Enough?
Enough chasing illusions. Enough noise. Enough bullshit excuses that “someday” we will actually start living. Enough procrastinating. Enough believing that you don’t have the time.
You have nothing but time. Because in a crisis like this, we can suddenly see clearly. The time has come to protect what matters to us.
We spend years pursuing careers to accumulate wealth that can disappear in a day.
We spend days online to find out that we’ve disconnected from the people who matter to us the most.
We spend hours chasing projects, flights, and deadlines and we forget how to slow down and appreciate the little moments.
We hustle to the extent that we lost touch with our humanity.
In these tough times of extra fear and anxiety, it’s time we look at what matters the most.
Our families. Our relationships. Our health. Our community.
Perhaps this is our wake up call.
These are the days to reassess our priorities and establish a new normal, a new way of living.
What I’m doing? I’m planning on staying in Baja for a little longer and riding the wave here. Making granola, stocking up on water and a few groceries. Practicing breathing, staying present, taking cold showers in the morning, going for beach walks and ocean swims, drinking lots of moringa (the neighbor grows it) and focusing on yoga, Reiki and writing. As someone who’s been through Chernobyl I have a feeling this is way worse than we currently know.
Stay present. Be safe.