Motherhood is a beautiful thing. Its a wonderful thing. The miracle of being able to force life into Earth’s vegetation, and landscapes, is the epitome of power. It is the reason for our very reason to explore life’s wonders! Women have the power to imitate the Earth’s cycles. In many societies, a woman’s value is determined by her ability to have children. Anything less than, undermines her feminine essence. After all, all woman are supposed to go through their womanly ritual of having children, correct?
While motherhood is a natural phenomenon for most women, there are those women, who will not have this experience. They will never know what it means to birth a child of one’s own flesh and blood. Its the most painful thing for a number of women, who will not get that opportunity. In fact, it will be downright devastating; especially, for those who desire to go through a birthing experience. A great portion of that grief results in having been denied to give birth to one’s natural lineage. Even more, there is just a majestic experience in birthing children, that one’s body has grown and created. In that regard, we have to be honest. As painful as it may be to admit it, its the truth.
We have to attribute a great reason, to women’s devastation, when unable to have children, to societal perceptions. They truly begin to feel “less of a woman.” Often, society consistently programs women’s mental psyche on a consistent basis. Yes, women are placed on the Earth to mother. Yet, is motherhood solely confined to birthing biological children; to birthing children, in general? Perhaps, its time to expand the realm of motherhood. Opening up the category to be more inclusive of the myriad ways, in which mothering can take place. The posing question: can women mother in different ways? According to Marion Sims (former Jamaica’s dancehall queen, “Lady Saw”), women can do just that!

Jamaica’s own Marion Sims displays that, the options to mothering, are. . .many! In her song, “No Less Than A Woman (infertility)” the opportunities for motherhood are, diverse. In fact, the term “mother” or “motherhood” is not merely defined by solely having a child. Its consistent love and nourishment towards children, which qualifies a woman as a mother. It is these behaviors, which values women in the realm of motherhood; moreso than simply giving birth to a baby. Great contextual and verbal richness, in the lyrics and song, continues to sculpt the stories of women, and couples, who struggle to have children. Maybe there are women who don’t have children, and secretly desire to. Whatever health problems, they may have, infertility is a barrier to that very dream, secretly desired. By dismissing the questioning of a woman’s femininity, simply because she does not have a child, yet, Marion Sims smashes the taboo surrounding the topic. Thereby, she has created a space, where women are able address such issues, without fear, judgement, or shame.
“Infertility is a word that a lot of people are ashamed to mention A lot of people are so illiterate when it come to that word They act has if it is a crime, if you can’t have a child But I don’t think so, I don’t have a child, I may one day But in the meantime, I am going to share all my love“
Again, the sense of guilt that woman without children are forced to bare is tackled. The singer/songwriter brings her personal story into the conversation. At that particular moment, she makes it very clear, that she does not have children. By bringing in her own life for examination, she awakens a therapeutic platform for her women listeners. They now feel safe, and the silent whispers of infertility are no more. After all a former leading woman DJ, Dancehall artist, and singer has brought those closeted discussions into the public lens. Therefore, there is nothing to hide, anymore.
Another fascinating feature concerning this song is the message of hope that Marion Sims brings to those women, secretly desiring to have children, but facing the challenges of getting pregnant. That particular message is enduring as it connects to the law of attraction. Perhaps, just perhaps, one’s current infertility issues could mean that a woman is not emotionally, or mentally, prepared for a baby. Maybe, just maybe, a woman’s halt in getting pregnant, is a temporary issue. Could it be the Universe’s way of forcing a woman to cleanse and heal any emotional baggage, prior to giving birth to children of her own? What could be viewed as a permanent health issue, could actually be nature’s way of telling a woman to interact with children, first. Whether that be through teaching, working at a nursery, or what have you. However, she engages with children (those loved, and unloved), she is gaining experience in the art of mothering. That way she is prepared, when she has children of her own. Therefore, when Marion Sims mentions “But in the meantime, I am going to share all of my love,” she is discussing possible preparations for her time to become a biological mother.
Verse 1:
“I may not know the joy of giving birth, May not experience the pain and all the hurt, But I know how it feels to lose a child, And if pain is pain then I am hurting inside If infertility makes me less than a girl, What would I say to many women in this world Would you tell them have faith, Would you tell them be strong Or would you tell them that they’re less than a woman?
Again, in Verse 1 of the song “No Less Than A Woman (Infertility),” Marion Sims is bringing in another personal experience, as it relates to death of an infant. There is no shame in her experience. She is truthful, and it allows her to relate to other women. Pain’s release happens by this very lyrical phrasing, alone (“But I know how it feels to lose a child”). The former Dancehall queen has made herself vulnerable to her listeners. Informing them that she, too, is human, and has matriculated through the pains of experiencing motherhood. Such leads to another significant point in the video. As often as it is painted, motherhood is not always pretty.

Prior to, it had been mentioned that the artistry of motherhood is more connected to providing consistent love to a child, moreso than simply birthing one. Reverting to the chorus of the song, listeners gain another taste in spreading one’s love, in connection to motherhood, to those children, in need of mother’s love. Even woman who have never birthed children can mother “the unwanted.” It just goes to show that clearly there were women, who had no problem getting pregnant. Yet, their pregnancy didn’t qualify them as mothers.
The precious dynamic of this song is that while it provides hope for women desiring to get pregnant, it doesn’t negate infertility, or periods of infertility, as an end all. Furthermore, the song transcends traditional concepts of fertility. In many ways, the ability to capture and empower the minds, Souls, and spirits of children, is a form of fertility. Creating environments for children to birth knowledge, is a form of motherhood. Re-birthing the souls and emotional psyche of children, who have been neglected, abandoned, and unloved, is a form of fertility. Not only does the song expand definitions of motherhood, but it also expands the definition of fertility. In a sense, women become liberated from the constraints of certain feminine terminologies.
On another factor, the video and song, “No Less Than A Woman (Infertility),” gives subtle hints into possible realities that a woman can go through stages of infertility, and end up having biological children of her own. Ofte, it is about timing. Does Mother Nature feel that you are prepared to have babies at a particular period in your life? And, if so, will she halt any fertility, at the moment, while sending unwanted children, for you to mother, until it is time to have children of your own? Let’s say she doesn’t send you children. Could it also be that a woman needs to focus on elevating her own health, and preparing her body as a safe space to have a healthy pregnancy? Eating foods which increases fertility, ending bad habits, and changing one’s lifestyle to ensure that the children are healthy and safe, during the pregnancy cycle. These are important factors to consider, as well.
Conversations surrounding motherhood are becoming healthier and more truthful. As women continue to address issues of fertility, they are more knowledgeable, as it concerns other options in having children. Nevertheless, woman is expanding. Her responsibilities are expanding. Regardless of past, societal constrictions, she is forcing the world to accept her for who she is. Re-claiming her value as a human being, with a range of skills and talents, are not limited to birthing children. And, while many will have children, others may choose other practices of mothering. Some may not connect with children, but may use mothering skills for broken adults; who have yet to heal from the traumas of childhood’s pain. Thus, there is a lesson to be learned. No matter how woman chooses to delve in the diversity of motherhood, woman is woman- nothing more, nothing LESS!

To learn more of the video/song, “No Less Than A Woman (Infertility),” by Marion Sims (formerly known as “Lady Saw”), you click on the following link:

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