Businesses operate daily on the notion of making more money and expanding their footprint in some form or fashion. Whether it be expansion on social media or in “real space,” the goal is to bring enough notoriety so that there is additional revenue generation. Companies want to know that they are going to increase their bottom line by the actions that they take to do such. One of the issues is that many times businesses aren’t aware of some of the minor things that they can do to make a major impact. Over time and many times failures, businesses will realize that they have been neglecting the very things that can help take their revenue generation to the next level. Simple things such as allowing employees to take moments to mentally reset throughout their work day. That would actually be more beneficial than allowing employees to take cigarette breaks. If an employee is informed that they are able to have benefits on their breaks that will help to increase their productivity at work, more than likely they would take advantage of them. Furthermore, if they took advantage of the resources that would help them be more productive, they’d probably render greater results in their job duties that would allow them to assist the business in additional revenue generation.
So how do we get this effective productivity in motion? Believe it or not it’s quite simple. It starts with the message that’s given to employees inside of companies. It begins with empowering employees to believe and in understanding that they are more than just a seat in a business. Employees are people with emotions, not these machines programmed to just process and move on to the next, like we see in this evolution of cashierless stores. Your staff has to know that they have meaning and value to the company. Furthermore they have to know that they are appreciated in the positions that they hold and that it makes a difference in the companies growth. To feel valued and appreciated is the most rewarding emotion in a workplace. The appreciation of your actions should be thoroughly relayed to employees so that they understand that their efforts are taken advantage of or disregarded. The more that an employee feels or understands that they are appreciated, usually the better the productivity of that employee. Furthermore, if the productivity is better there’s a heavy likeliness that your bottom line will improve.
So what are some tips to helping improve staff productivity? Check out a few of the tips we think are key below.
Tip 1. Delegation is important.
This can be a very difficult thing for many to do, especially if it’s their company. However, delegating tasks and responsibilities can save a lot of time and stress. It’s important to give tasks to qualified individuals that can prove their ability to complete those said task. This is why you hired them.
Tip 2. Reward employees for great efforts.
Many employees show up to work every day and do a great job in their roles. Unfortunately, many businesses do not reward employees enough for their work efforts and successes. Even some of the incentive programs can be seen as insults over rewards. Therefore, be reflective of the businesses genuine appreciation of the employees and their efforts in making sure that the company is represented and valued accordingly. Remember, without committed employees fulfilling their roles effectively, any business would fail.
Tip 3. Make sure the tasks are aligned with the skills.
So many companies will hire individuals to fill seats. When this happens, many times the skills aren’t in alignment with the tasks that are being asked of the employees. If the employees are conscious of the job responsibilities that they are asking of their employees, they will see greater results in the roles in which their staff holds. As we all know, greater results equates to potentially increased bottom lines. What company doesn’t want that?
Hopefully the tips above can serve as small pieces of advice for those that are looking to increase the businesses bottom lines and their staff’s productivity.