Andreas Szakacs

When you read about highly successful innovators—the likes of Steve Jobs, Marissa Mayer, or Elon Musk—it’s easy to think that they just have something that the rest of us don’t. How can they possibly keep coming up with such great ideas that change businesses, industries, and possibly even the world? The answer is, they practice.

Michelle Obama said, “The only limit to the height of your achievements is the reach of your dreams and your willingness to work for them”, a person becomes his own enemy when he abandons hard work and passion for his work. Philosophers, entrepreneurs, and philanthropists agree that it is important to look for new opportunities at every point in life. Entrepreneur and philanthropist Andreas Szakacs have always pushed boundaries in order to explore more about himself and the world around him.

When you were a kid you were just brimming with ideas – often quite ridiculous ones—that you truly believed you could make happen. There were no thoughts of limitations based on age, experience level, how the world operates, or anything else. But as adults, many of us too quickly shoot down our ideas. It’ll never work. I don’t know how to do that. That’ll take way too long.  The thing is, those “crazy” ideas are where most of the world’s most successful innovations come from. And the people who succeed in realizing these revolutionary advancements do so because they let themselves believe that a crazy idea could be a reality

Even though we might think that successful people are truly the biggest experts in their fields, the ones who stay innovative never operate under that assumption. “I think that’s the single best piece of advice: constantly think about how you could be doing things better, and questioning yourself,” shares Andreas Szakacs.

The biggest success stories always hinge on innovation and creating breakthroughs no one else achieved. The people behind these departures from the norm are revolutionaries; they are courageous enough to step away from the tried-and-true methods to carve their own way forward. Creative people tend to be intrinsically motivated, meaning that their drive comes from within. This internal desire spurs them to pursue their dreams.

Innovative people feel compelled to follow their passions. They are energized by challenging activities. Highly innovative and successful people aren’t necessarily the most talented of the bunch, but they consistently and persistently go after their goals.

Just remember that nothing will work without passion. A famous person once said that if you’re not doing something that you want to do, then you don’t really want to do it. And that’s true. Sometimes you just want something so bad you become virtually unstoppable. And that is passion. Passion will set you on fire.

Don’t worry about inspiration. Don’t push it, don’t force it, let it happen naturally. Inspiration will hit when you least expect it to quoted Szakacs