1. Tell us your success journey influencing the lives of many through media?

I have always loved to write. It has been my passion ever since I was in elementary school. But I never considered a career in media until I went to college and got involved with the campus radio station. I joined the news department, went to a presidential candidate’s election night headquarters and a political party’s convention and got a job at an AM radio station after graduation. I was news director of seven different radio stations over, but the pinnacle of my on-air career was probably the years I spent as an air personality on a regional FM contemporary station in Central Pennsylvania. During my time there I was the principal writer for the show and I co-hosted two prime-time television specials. Ironically, my big break, a move to Los Angeles, came about because of a job I didn’t get. I applied for a position as a producer at a television station in Tampa. They decided to promote from within, but the executive producer liked my writing so much that she recommended me to a friend of hers who was the news director at KCAL-TV in Los Angeles. I have worked in television and radio in Los Angeles ever since. I have been nominated for three Emmy Awards and five Writers Guild Awards, and I am a lifetime member of the Writers Guild of America, West.

2. What is your #1 advice you have for a young person who wants to follow your footsteps?

It’s a much different job environment today than when I started. Back then virtually every radio station had a news department. Today, very few do. That having been said, the easiest way to get started in broadcasting is to find a good broadcasting program at a major university, get an internship at a local station and then get your first job at a station in a small market. Then, make your mistakes, hone your craft and work your way up.

3. What do you do for your well-being?

I live to write, so I write for fun as well as a living. I think the best thing you can do for your well-being is to figure out what your gifts are and use them. I had a friend in elementary school who was fascinated with reptiles and amphibians. I discovered years later that he had become the reptile curator for the Fort Worth Zoo. In my opinion, that is a life well-lived. My passions are writing, astronomy and travel. I pursue all of them as much as I can. And I walk at least 30 minutes a day three days a week.


Jerry Edling is a writer and editor for KNX, the only all-news radio station in Los Angeles, and a former editor-in-chief of “”Public Diplomacy Magazine.” He has been nominated for three Emmy Awards and five Writers Guild Awards and has won three Associated Press Awards and two Golden Mike Awards. He holds a Master of Public Diplomacy degree from the University of Southern California.


  • Jose Angel Manaiza Jr

    Tutor To The Stars

    Malibu Education

    MATHEMATICIAN JOSE ANGEL MANAIZA, JR. Former Child Star in La Ceiba, Honduras. Jose Angel Manaiza Jr. is known as “The Tutor to The Stars” from Malibu to Beverly Hills.
    Teaching the children of Hollywood celebrities to achieve success. Mr. Manaiza has helped over 1,200 students. Including NCAA student-athletes from schools such as UCLA, USC, and Pepperdine University.
    His patented speed-reading system is endorsed by three former U.S. presidents, and he has been honored in The White House.
    In 2018, Jose was knighted by the order of the OSJ in NYC. He was the first SAT Instructor to be published  in The Huffington Post on the topic of "The New SAT Exam."   58 of his students received an overall average score of 1456 on the SAT exam, and earned admissions with full scholarships.
    He has also been given a special recognition for his work from the City of Los Angeles, and the State Of California.
    Mr. Manaiza served as The Speaker Program Director for The California's Women Conference in 2019, where past keynote speakers have included Oprah Winfrey, Norma T. Hollis, Michelle Obama, Dame Mabel Katz, Laura Bush and Arianna Huffington. He is official biographer of Garifuna Writer & Historian Santos Centeno Garcia. Mr. Manaiza is a professional speechwriter who has written over 6000 speech scripts to CEOs, world leaders, and professional speakers. His famous workshop entitled "Presidential Speechwrititng" has helped many on how to write speeches.
    Mr. Manaiza resides in Malibu, CA and enjoys his weekends sailing in Marina Del Rey. For more information, visit http://www.tinyurl.com/Malibu90265Style