Just finished the Mid-Year Reset and Refresh Workshop with Amy Johnson, Barb Patterson, Scott Kelly, and Angus. It is a wonderful example of how service and fun can co-exist. I feel very grateful to the participants and to my co-presenters for co-creating such a heart-opening and inspiring workshop. 

It was so much fun sharing the understanding of the Principles by looking in the directions of work, health, relationships, and habits–and seeing that it is the same conversation no matter what the subject matter. Ultimately what is important in all areas is understanding that your experience is a reflection of thought in the moment. And because the source of thought is endless and infinite, there are infinite possibilities in each moment because each moment is created fresh and new. 

In the area of relationship that Angus and I were exploring, it is so amazing to be able to see your partner with fresh eyes and not through the lens of memory. It is easy to fall into a habitual way of thinking about the people you are close to in your life–rather than seeing them in real-time as they are. 

Intimacy is natural when we see each other fresh. 

As with anything, this is easier to do when we start with ourselves.

As an exploration, I invite you to explore how who you are is not limited to the thoughts, memories, and beliefs you have about yourself.

Are you open to going beyond what you know about yourself into the unknown and seeing what emerges? 

We all live with our preconceived notions about circumstances, people and ourselves. This past weekend, we looked in the direction of possibility and potential in every area of our lives. Not because we wanted to seek out more, but simply to experience the fun and the freedom of letting go of the labels we put on our bodies, our personalities, our loved ones, and our lives. 

Who are you?

Who are you really?

Are you willing to look beyond every answer that comes up?

This is not an intellectual exercise. It is an opportunity to experientially feel what it is like to drop the labels you impose upon yourself.

This is what is present for me after the weekend. A feeling of expansion as I see that the Rohini I know and love and the Rohini I judge and despair over — are not fixed. Neither exists in a sustained way. Who I think I am in one moment does not predict who I will think I am in the next. Seeing the fluidity of concepts and experience loosens everything up.

You are not who you think you are. You are far greater than what your mind can conceive. Feel into that and open to the possibilities that emerge from there. Feel what effortlessly and spontaneously arises. 

See how practical and ordinary this is. Just like the spontaneity of the body being breathed. What happens when you allow what emerges to fuel you rather than being driven by your thoughts about what should emerge and what you should be doing?

How does this impact your being open in the moment? How does it affect you being present with yourself and with another?

This is not a prescription or a recipe to follow. It is an invitation to look beyond what you know and open to the possibility that lives in what you don’t know and haven’t yet seen. See what the impact of this is on intimacy with yourself and with those you love.

Rohini Ross is passionate about helping people wake up to their full potential. She is a transformative coach, leadership consultant, a regular blogger for Thrive Global, and author of the short-read Marriage (The Soul-Centered Series Book 1) available on Amazon. You can get her free eBook Relationships here. Rohini has an international coaching and consulting practice based in Los Angeles helping individuals, couples, and professionals embrace all of who they are so they can experience greater levels of well-being, resiliency, and success. She is also the founder of The Soul-Centered Series: Psychology, Spirituality, and the Teachings of Sydney Banks. You can follow Rohini on FacebookTwitter, and Instagram, and watch her Vlogs with her husband. To learn more about her work go to her website, www.rohiniross.com.