A recent meeting with my financial planner made me realize that investing is not just for financial well-being; you can also invest in yourself.
Invest in your well-being. If you made two of the most common New Year’s resolutions—lose weight and start an exercise program—try recasting them as an investment. What difference to your present and future could these make to you? Would you be able to participate in more activities? Avoid medical issues? Feel like you were on the path to aging well?
Go beyond these, though, and think about other investments you could make. Is there a doctor’s appointment you’ve been putting off? Do you need new glasses or contact lenses? Could a course of therapy help you resolve an emotional issue and move forward? Do you need to learn how to manage your stressors in a more effective way?
Invest in your career. What one or two things could you do that would make a difference in your career, whether you want to enjoy your current job more or move to a different one? Would a training workshop or an adult learner’s course make an impact for you? What about attending an industry conference or joining an industry association? Do you need a mentor or coach, or would you like to be one for someone else?
Invest in your connections. Whether personal or professional, relationships don’t just happen. Are there friends you’d like to see more often? Do you want to be more actively engaged with your family? Could your professional network be expanded or made more robust? How about friends that you want to spend less time with because they are toxic, draining your energy without giving back?
Schedule five minutes this week and ask yourself three questions:
- What is a specific investment I can make to enhance my well-being, career, and connection? Keep it small and specific.
- For each of these investments, what is my next step?
- When will I take the next steps? Schedule them into your calendar to keep you moving forward.
Invest in yourself and reap the rewards!