Do you feel like days turn into months and years pass too quickly?

Dreaming of “someday” when you can live as you desire?

Our time is short. Investing in our lives will create a deeper connection with our spirit.

Start with saying “no” to energy draining noise. Shutting the door on demanding distractions provides space to become reacquainted with our true self.

This is a key step in making decisions to activate your life.

Invest your time. Don’t spend it.

Choosing yourself may feel awkward at first. This is normal when you’ve been in the hamster wheel, or what I call the cycle of putting your needs last.

Get out of the whee of prioritizing others’ needs (that friend with a “crisis” every week), chores, errands, bringing work home, etc.

Photo by Ricky Kharawala on Unsplash

Saying no to perceived important interruptions allows you to engage in your life. Maybe there’s something you want to learn, a place to visit, an old friend to meet.

If there isn’t an activity/hobby/interest calling to you, practice self-care. Nap, meditate, exercise, dance, read, go outside, stroll near water. Listen to your needs and desires.

Mindfully select your choices. Your time is more valuable than texts, dishes, mindless shopping, overeating, and any other easy distraction.

 Fill your energy source. Stop draining it.

Be mindful of activities perceived as obligations. Say no to over-committing. Recover from expending your energy, then turn to people and activities that amplify your well-being.

““We like you too :)” written on a white brick wall” by Adam Jang on Unsplash

Recently I’ve made efforts to spend time with my dad. We all say things along these lines, but it is often difficult to put into practice.

A real behavioral change came for me when, after I’d make this decision mentally, I continued to spend the time I set aside for him on events I didn’t want to attend.

Consecutive weekends passed, I over-committed and spent money on outings that felt like a waste of time. I realized I was tired and ill, energetically depleted.

The following Saturday my dad and I were outdoors, walking a riverside trail at a state park. My energy felt replenished in listening to my spirit and making time for someone valuable.

When we make ourselves a priority, our nourished selves help us to become a happier partner, parent, friend.

Share as much time as possible with those who truly care about you. Does someone’s presence make you feel edgy, nervous, or ill?

Pay attention to your gut feelings and physical reactions around people.

Stop working for money. Money works for you by providing energy to meet your needs.

This mental shift was a challenge for me. Our perceptions of money may be difficult to admit, accept, and change.

Photo by Marco Xu on Unsplash

However, if you are miserable in your job, develop a plan to change this. We spend a large amount of our time providing for ourselves and dependents. Suffering to meet our needs is unacceptable.

The difference in a job versus working for your life’s purpose in one word = engagement. A job will leave you unfulfilled, minimally engaged, and dreaming of a different way for your life. A job is a cloud blocking the sun.

Work that aligns with your life’s purpose is still work. It is challenging, heart-breaking, and exhilarating. You feel alive, fully invested and present in achieving your goals. Do you have this level passion for your work?

Life is the action of fulfilling your needs and desires. Work is not a four-letter word.

Take a close look at your personal time and energy investments.

What makes you feel drained, like hiding from the world? Reduce it.

Where do you want to spend more time? What energy investments feel good to your core?

Make a plan, reconnect with your spirit and get your life back!

Later comes too late. Later never arrives.

I focus on helping people recover from narcissistic abuse, by learning to trust themselves again and connecting to their inner power. Message me, maybe I can help you: [email protected].

Check out Get the F*ck On with Your Life: Healing After Narcissistic Abuse, my best-selling book, available for pre-order on Amazon.

Originally published at