According to the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI), entrepreneurs are a particular breed of personality type. It makes sense that the type of person willing to have confidence in themselves and their ideas enough to be risk takers would also be highly motivated individuals. They also tend to be over-achievers and workaholics, which means putting their personal lives or extracurricular hobbies on the back burner.
There are many advantages to being an entrepreneurial personality type, but it has its disadvantages as well. Their tendency for blunt honesty can make relationships on a deep level of connection difficult. This can result in feelings of loneliness or stress. Their lack of patience and their need for excitement can cause unnecessary drama and stress in both the workplace and their social lives. Their ability to leap first and ask questions later is a very lonely path and is very risky. When it works, the payoffs can be huge. If it doesn’t, they stand to lose plenty, often resulting in regret. Hyper-focusing on the tiny details of a problem might also prevent them from seeing the bigger picture, which could be disastrous.
There’s a reason for the well-known expression: “The flame that burns twice as bright burns half as long.” Burnout is a very real thing and it can happen to anyone, but entrepreneurs are especially susceptible because of their high-range ability to focus on business and business alone. To prevent burnout, maintain leadership, and to keep up with the high demands of their daily lives, it’s vital that entrepreneurs take some time to invest in their own mental and physical health, social relationships, and overall emotional well-being. It is an investment that far exceeds anything monetary or materialistic.
Investing in oneself isn’t an easy road, even after you make the decision to commit. There will always be distractions and ways to spend your time elsewhere, but it’s crucial to take some “me” time for yourself by doing something stress free that you enjoy. Go for a walk in nature, take up a sport or hobby, learn to play an instrument or do volunteer work for a local or national charity.