That’s right. You have a desire on your heart to help others and make a bigger impact in the world. The best place for you to start is with YOU.
Every day you dream about bringing kindness and healing to the masses but how you’re actually living? Not always feeling it, right?
You’ve done what the world told you to do. Got the job, the friends, the family, and the all the other “things”. You used to think you made a difference in your work but these days getting anything done feels like you’re fighting your way out of wet toilet paper. Seriously. You’re exhausted every day. What time you do have you try to give back to others, but let’s be honest. It’s tough when you’re already starting from a place of feeling drained and depleted.
How are you supposed to have work and a life you love, create a legacy, and make this world a better place if your values and goals aren’t in alignment with how you live?
Want to change but can’t see the forest through the trees?
Start here.
? Look at where you are now and where you want to be in your work, your relationships, and how you spend your time.
? Do a gap analysis and create an action plan from that and prioritize the changes that will make the most impact first.
? Get clear on what has held you back up to this point so you don’t sabotage yourself with the same habits going forward.
? Set yourself up for success. Beyond all the logistics you need a solid mindset to achieve long term sustainable transformation for yourself.
The best gift you can give to others is you. When you heal yourself you heal others too.
Imagine having a job or business you love AND that makes the world a better place.
Even better, outside your work you love your life too because the time you spend outside work with others comes from a place of being able to give unconditionally because you are fulfilled in your own life.
When you’re willing to let go of what no longer resonates with who you are, it’s crazy amazing at how quickly the things you do want start to fall into place.
You can do all this yourself or you can reach out for support. If you’re like me, you like to make the best use of your time and make the biggest impact possible. #bettertogether If this is you, connect with me here for a free clarity session and let’s chat.