When was the last time you revised or updated your strategic plan? I can hear your sigh from here…
Is it time to think big…bigger?
Everyone becomes comfortable with the regular routine of life and our careers are no exception. Sometimes we miss opportunities because it involves moving outside our comfort zone.
It is always challenging when we are ready to take the next step. At times, we just don’t know where to start. It takes qualities like confidence, resilience and creativity to move outside our comfort zone and go for it!
It is in this state of transition that we create lightbulb moments and it takes courage to admit that we need to make a change.
I have found, one of the reasons that we choose to coast is our own brand of “kryptonite.” We all have it and we usually know what it is…that elusive thing that stops us from moving forward when we are ready to make a change. It is usually supported by a stall tactic that keeps us in our comfort zone.
Here is a suggestion: Toss the kryptonite and go for it!
My kryptonite is dealing with the concept of “NO” and it doesn’t matter if the delivery is polite: “No thank you” or blunt and to the point: “I’m not interested.” It is a personal pet peeve when starting a conversation with someone who appears to be more comfortable discussing the roadblocks rather than the roadmap.
It’s my trigger and I’ve had to develop a process to go beyond the no and either simply move on or start a new conversation that supports my goal.
The process may be both challenging and frustrating but at the same time exhilarating and necessary as part of moving forward.
We really do need to think big and then bigger if we are going to grow and reach our full potential.
Thinking “bigger” is a commitment to our ongoing success and developing a plan is necessary to support our new ideas.
Here is a three step process you may consider when your ready to think bigger:
The first step: Visualize Your Success
When you see yourself achieving your new goal it begins to create a level of comfort and confidence that your idea is real and attainable.
Step #2: Journal – Action Items
Begin to take action with baby steps. Create a list, write down the things you need to complete on your roadmap and keep visualizing your progress. In this phase, you will create lightbulb moments!
Step #3: Execute and Celebrate
When you start to check the items off the list you will begin to see have far you’ve already travelled. Don’t forget to leave yourself a little wiggle room to make course corrections as the goal becomes clear and attainable. Create a network of support with individuals who will share their expertise and align the action items necessary for success. Celebrate along the way. It is important to acknowledge the steps with wins, it builds resilience!
It is important to remember there is no right or wrong answer, what works for you may be totally different to what makes sense for someone else. Each process is unique and will be as different as the individual goal or aspiration.
What is important?
What your striving for needs to be in alignment with your passion and purpose…you have to know…with conviction, that…
You’ve got this!
Just toss the kryptonite and go for it!
(Trish is a Master Coach Practitioner, sharing resources so you may develop your own definition for success.)