I’m going somewhere. I have known this ever since I made the life-altering decision in 2007 that my dream was worth turning into reality! It is also when I decided that I was worth it – that I deserved better than what I had allotted myself up to that point in life.
I am driving towards a very clearly defined destination. The people I thought would be along for the ride, for the most part, are not a part of the journey today. For various reasons, they are no longer on my bus. Some of them believed me, but they did not believe in me. Some of them purposely tried to distract me -pointing me in the wrong direction and throwing me off my game. I was a doormat to some. To others, my dreams were reckless, rash, and downright silly.
There were then, and still remain, some amazing people on my bus! They believe in me. They know I have what it takes. In fact, they are helping me get there! The cheerleaders in my court help clear the way, don’t let me settle for ‘good enough,’ and help me stay focused. Even when I am right, they will challenge me just to confirm that my convictions are true and steady. They correct me when I am wrong, and they provide balance in areas in which I am weaker. Together we make an amazing team and they volunteered to go along for the ride!
Who do you have on your bus? I don’t know their names, but I know their types! Let’s name a few, shall we? There’s overly-aggressive, arrogant, boring, careless, status-quo, inefficient, excuse-making, dishonest, self-serving, greedy, jealous, narrow-minded, overcritical, and then there’s just downright rude.
Now, who do you want on your bus? Ambitious, caring, focused, goal-oriented, energetic, efficient, powerhouse, capable, worthy, humble, steady, strong, brave, determined, dedicated, driven, skillful, leader, steward, guide…I could keep going…trustworthy, dependable, able, competent, appropriate, wise, solid, decent…you get the idea, right?
You cannot possibly embrace every single adjective so you name yours and then you surround yourself with others. THAT’S how you build a team and THAT’S how you power the bus forward.
Look around you. Is it time to ask people to get off your bus? Is it time to throw some of them off? Is it time you pulled over and let on some new riders? It’s YOUR bus. You get to decide. And who you choose… will determine whether or not you get to your destination.