As we live in an ever-expanding digital world, businesses are under pressure to keep up with the newest trends and processes to keep their company at the top of their game. Digitalisation is the act of moving a company’s comprehensive business model online. Payroll, HR and other areas are managed online too. Simply put, everything hand-written or said orally is now electronically processed, helping a business stay in control of their clients, staff, and business all in one place.

Advantages of Digitalisation in HR Efficiency

Arguably the main advantage of digitalisation in HR is efficiency. HR is an essential part of any business, as they manage the most integral part of any workplace – the employees. By managing your companies HR digitally this frees the workload of those in HR or interim HR jobs. This allows them to focus more on the personable elements of their job role. They can manage a higher workload online as technology is put in place of people management and other similar functions, thus getting more work done in less time. As a result, the department’s efficiency increases, more time can be spent on people management, staff feel content at work, and finally, the company develops, and profitability increases.


Gone are the days when handing a CV print out would suffice, now recruitment is handled digitally. HR departments have data-driven searches to help decipher which candidates experience, personality and qualifications match the job description. This preselection aids HR departments enormously as they do not need to spend their time sifting through potential candidates, they can work through a list of people they know suit the role and go from there – making the process even more efficient.

Social Media presence

The new generation of the workforce – millennials and generation z, are all connected to social media and are starting to use their platforms for recruitment. As social media is the most efficient way to communicate with others, HR departments have taken this on board and scouted for talent among these platforms. The advantage of this is that recruiters develop an initial persona of the candidate before the process is taken further.

Self-Service tools for employees

Rather than the HR department single-handily managing each employee’s holiday requests, sickness, and absence reports, this can all be managed from an online system. Not only does this make the systems easier and more accessible for the employees, but it also allows the HR department to focus on essential work whilst the digital system works through everything else.
