In series of articles, I have explored the fact of anger frequently possesses underlying emotional triggers. In this article, I will focus on anxiety and how it frequently turns into anger, when left unexpressed. Anxiety the word itself expresses fear, depression, negativity, emotion etc. It must be understood as a self- created fear in our mind. But yes sometimes excitement and anxiety walk hand in hand. Anxiety takes us away from the present moment and packed our mind with stress and depression. The anxiety is the connection to anger, and anger is the connection to all the emotions.

I was an anxious child right from my childhood creating all the tensions in my mind. And gradually turn into a self-conscious and anxious adult. After only being an adult I understand what anxiety is really mean. When my head feels like it’s going to explode from pressure, that’s an anxiety. Anxiety is an action, which keeps our mind to engage with strain. According to the research study in The New York Times certain health behaviours are contagious which influence obesity, anxiety etc.

As I am connected with “Shared Touch” Senior Care Center based in Colorado, from last 5 years, I was travelling to Aurora in Colorado to research on topic anxiety and anger. I met many people of different age and came to know even senior citizens are dealing with anxiety. According to publication by WHO mental illness, anxiety in older adults is increasing day by day. So by attaining caring support from the caregivers, it can bring intensively change in lifestyle. After this trip, I realized this severe problem is creating lots of buzz among younger as well as older generation.

Anger is a strange emotion, but it caused with no reason. I realized that my anger- anxiety level varied from moment to moment. We make the tiny triggers in our life as a huge one. According to Global news anxiety can morph into anger as we are not directly dealing with our anxiety.

In this world of modernization, every people are dealing with anxiety, anger, stress, and depression. And the cause of anxiety is our own lifestyle. There are many potential cause and factors as well which play role in anger symptoms:-

  • Irritation

  • Loss of Control

  • Stress

  • Depression

  • Negativeness

  • Feeling nervous, restless

  • Trembling etc

I remind myself daily that I have anxiety, but I am not a creation of it. According to Oxford Research Encyclopedias anxiety is like a communication tool with our body, it’s our duty to take action against it. I decided to take a crucial step and deal with my anger management issues. Because anxiety and anger together create a blunder, it comes out in way of hurting people and owns emotions.


According to people residing in developing countries are more anxiety freak than people in developed countries. But yes! Acting out of this is a great defense of mechanism. What makes us so anxious in this modern world:-

  • Declination in Social interaction – No interaction can lead to more depression and loneliness. Fight with it and boost your fun activities.

  • Change in lifestyle is must – We all have a life full of stress and tension. So joining or engaging yourself in meditation and yoga is preferred or a stress- free mind

  • Time consumption on social media – Nowadays we spend half our time hopping around social media apps and games. Take some time off to unplug it

  • Struggling with work -life – the struggle in work life is real, so take a day off and relax your mind

As said every human being are not perfect, even me too. All of us go through a certain phase in life. After struggling with anxiety, I started taking every obstacle as a challenge. Whenever I feel I am about to explode, I make sure to do the following:-

  • I put my phone away and take out the pen and start writing about my chaotic mind

  • I do research and read books for self help and mind control.

  • A proper diet and a proper routine to keep away from anxiety. Cutting out all the junk food, caffeines etc.

  • Meditation and daily exercise help to keep the mind fresh and active.

  • I surround myself with positive thoughts and positive people.

As said by Ralph Waldo Emerson – For every minute you remain angry, you give up sixty seconds of peace of mind.