we will never truly experience innovation.
So therefore while everyone out there talks of and exults
I believe they have become the demise of our culture.
I remember the time I did not feel this way. I felt like a fish out of water and I remember the day I found a pond filled with fish like me, i couldn’t believe how good to know that there were others who thoughts and felt like me. And I basked in that pond and laughed and played with my new like-minded friends. It was beautiful.
Until it wasn’t anymore. Suddenly I saw that these like minded communities had become silos that separated me from the rest of the world. And as I looked out on the landscape that was once open and free, I now saw these silos growing wider and taller, stronger and more defined and the space between the silos had grown wider and deeper.
Suddenly just like that, we were a divided nation. A divided world.
What had once felt so inclusive had now become the very thing that isolates us and separates us from coming together as one people, one nation, one world, working together to find solutions to the problems this isolation has caused.
It is time for us to understand that people can look at the same exact thing and see it differently. And rather than that being a cause for conflict, it can become the source of innovation.
What would you see if you could see what you don’t see? And what would seeing what you don’t see help you make sense of a world that doesn’t make sense to you.
The Mosaic is a book that helps you see differently. To get a copy of The Mosaic on Amazon: please go to: http://a.co/dvgsgG3
Email me ([email protected]) a proof of purchase,
and I will send you an illustrated PDF entitled THE 10 MINDHACKS OF THE MOSAIC
#NothingIsAsItSeems #WeAreAllConnected #SeeWhatYouDoNotSee#EndLikeMindedCommunities #Innovation #SeeDifferently#LeaveYourComfortZone