I wrote last week about my abusive childhood and the outcome I wanted to see by going public with my story.
The final sentiment was that compassion is the way to move forward.
In essence, to go into every situation with a bit more compassion because so many people are operating out of the pain from their pasts.
I Was In Denial About My Abusive Childhood
A Different Sort of #MeToo Storymedium.com
So compassion has been on my mind the past few days, and it dawned on me…
I’m pretty crappy at having compassion for people I perceive to have no compassion.
I can have heaps of empathy and compassion for all sorts of different scenarios. I can easily imagine myself in other people’s shoes.
But I realized I get rigid and angry when I believe someone else doesn’t have compassion.
Funny how that boomerangs back around for me.
I wouldn’t be walking my talk if I didn’t admit that I was screwing up in the compassion department.
Compassion is going to be my theme for a while. Seeing all through the eyes of compassion will be my noble aim.
To be sure, compassion isn’t pity, it’s not excuse making, and it’s not looking down on any one or any thing with judgment.
Compassion is opening up. It’s understanding. It’s seeing the true self under all the layers and masks that the ego wears. It’s loving on the spiritual level, not the material level.
Compassion heals. It heals our own hearts and it heals the one we see through compassion.
And after all, healing is my mission.
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Originally published at medium.com