Everyone has been there. “New year, new me” is usually the first post people put on their social media at the beginning of each year. As cliché as it is, ever year we see it.

I admit, I’ve done it in the past, then became flabbergasted when a New year came rolling around again with nothing achieved!

So, let me clear this up, unless you’ve become skillfully organized and a pro at self-management strategies when the  “Auld Lang Syne” song starts, your’e not as likely to achieve the “New year goals”. It’s not impossible, but it takes practice. Don’t despair, It’s still attainable to reprogram your brain for the rest 2018 using these quick tips:

1.Mind your goals

We all know the term “Mind your business” but I want you to Mind your goals, literally. You have to focus on yourself it’s incumbent to becoming a better,more centered, powerful version of you. Another seemingly cliché statement, but too often, women get consumed in their relationship and family life. There must be a measurable balance, and willingness to be fair to your time, as you are fair to those close to you!  You need to hold yourself accountable to what your aspirations are, and understand your right as a human being to achieve them! It is crucial also to know you have the right take care of yourself without apology, naturally everyone will win!

2. Write it down! 

I wish when someone pressed number two, they could hear my voice! This is extremely important for minding your own goals! Having a visual of what your goals are, is not only a big step, and feels great, it also allows you to begin to take your goal digging seriously! They are written down, clear, concise and specific. Easy to the eye, and easy to read! Most importantly, it’s realistic for where you are and where you will measurably see yourself depending on your time frame. (Sorry-time frame tips aren’t apart of it, but believe me,it would’ve been number 4!) Write, write write!  Purchase a notebook, that you like, that’s efficient and can be packed with you wherever you go,(You never know, something might inspire, spark your interest or fuel you into extending your list!) It helps, and begins to put your goals into focus. Then, break them down when you have a moment. During your lunch break, at a play date, or with a goal buddy, anywhere you have a “you” moment.

3. Level-Up!

Level your goals. This is a unique form of goal digging I use with clients, to level your goals. 

Bronze, Silver, Gold (Golden) Goal. 

Not only does it have a nice ring to it. It’s also a great way to get specific ! Understanding the importance of each goal you have during your “Write it down” process is even more validation of how attainable and deserving your goals can be. Sub-consciously being aware what is achievable depending on the level and time frame you decided, makes it that much easier, and makes you that much closer! Wouldn’t it be amazing to put a tick beside your goal levels? Confirmation of you advancing to your next goal. I don’t normally recommend intentionally jumping from one goal to another. Especially, if you categorized them in their levels already. That’s where it may get confusing and could possibly be a “turn off” sub-consciously, again, depending on someones attention span. This is all in alignment with helping you become disciplined and structured, and of course organized. Eventually, you’ll see these techniques trickle into other aspects of your life! AWESOME!

So there you have it! The quick and savvy way to get yourself jump started for the rest of 2018! Its never too late to mind your goals! Of course, everyone’s goals vary, and some seemingly more daunting than others. But, everyone’s goals are valid in their own right. Once you put it to paper, you’ll thank me later! 

Happy Goal digging!