A Dog Eat Dog World

During this Coronavirus time, it seems like people are getting to the point where the ego is overcoming them. There are supplies everyone needs, like toilet paper, and there are those that grab them up and hoard them. Why? Because your ego told you to think of only you. Not a care about anyone else who might need it. On my last trip to the grocery store, I saw that so many of the shelves are empty. All the paper products are gone – toilet paper, tissues, paper towels, etc. Again, why? There were many other items missing from the shelves as well.

We were born with the will to receive. Think about it. As a baby, you only want food and being held. Babies certainly don’t think about others. As you get older your toys are YOURS! Gimme, no and I want, are the words they use most. They are just starting to learn about “sharing” (hopefully). Teenagers think they are invulnerable. I want that, I want to do that. They do really dumb things. I’ll bet parents never know about many of the things they’ve done.

So, the will to receive has followed us throughout life. We think we help others by donations or even volunteering. But there’s so much more. Have you thought about getting closer to the Creator, and to be bestowing like he does?

We need to connect with each other. Not necessarily physically, but thoughtfully. Thoughtfully? Yes, really, it is a thing. Just thinking about people positively helps. Love thy friend. Remember that phrase? It’s not just words. It’s want the Creator wants for us. He didn’t create us to fight, and hate others. And he certainly didn’t create us to destroy nature. He is nature. We are all His creations – humans, animals, fish, stones, water – He made it all. How dare we destroy His creations?

That goes back to our ego. We do it because we can. For our own uses. The hell with anyone else. Why should I let someone else use my water, use my toilet paper, use my food, use my anything. How does it sound to you? Selfish? It certainly does, yet we do it over and over again.

We need to come together. Think of each other. Love each other. Perhaps we could actually bring peace to the world.

The Covid-19 virus was brought to us by the Creator. It’s a wakeup call. Remember the 10 plagues? Well, if we don’t pay attention to this virus, the Creator just might send something else. Another pandemic? A war? A holocaust? We need to connect now. Connect and love each other.