Stress Exhaustion Burnout Resilience Bronwen Sciortino The Economy of Enough Keep It Super Simple

Do you remember what it felt like to have your life under control?

It wouldn’t be unsual for you to find it hard to remember what happened last week, let alone a few years ago.

Life moves quickly – its speed seemingly ever increasing – and it feels almost impossible to keep up, let alone get ahead.

The demands from every quarter make it all too easy to fall into being distracted. Add in the 24/7 connectivity that technology brings and it’s easy to be overwhelmed by the noise and chaos going on in everyone else’s life as well as your own.

Before you know it, you feel stuck in a life that isn’t working for you.

Not only does it feel like you have to be on your game in every moment, but you also have to find a way to share what you’re achieving … in a way that shines a light on how well you’re doing but without seeming to ‘big-note’ yourself at the same time.

Let’s be honest … it’s exhausting.

Wouldn’t it be simpler to find a kinder way to live?

Allowing yourself moments in time where you can step into stillness is where you’ll find your real advantage in life.

It’s not your ability to stand buffered against the storm of life that rages around you that will place you on your path, or allow you access to happiness. It’s your ability to allow life to flow around you, whilst you move towards the things that are important to you, that will see you step into a different speed and experience within your life.

Allow yourself the pleasure of resting when you need it. You don’t need to have something to share with the world every single day. You don’t have to achieve something spectacular every day either.

If you truly want to get ahead and put your life back on track it’s time to work out what it is YOU need to give to YOURSELF regularly so that you are okay.

Being switched on constantly only drains the energy in your tank; the only thing it achieves is that it adds pressure to an already overwhelmed life.

So, work out when you need to rest and when you need to surge – and then give yourself the time and space to allow this to happen.

There is freedom to be found in stepping into a simpler path in life.

  • Question the things you’ve been told you ‘have’ to be doing;
  • Step away from those things that aren’t working for you; and
  • Move towards the things you’re ‘drawn’ to be doing.

By all means, look to what others are doing for inspiration. Always remember, though, that there is nothing more empowering for YOUR life than taking steps that are right for YOU.

If it’s time for you to start to live your life a little differently you can access tips in the articles and videos in my free email series – it’s a great way to help you begin your journey. Simply click here to start you on your way. There are also loads of practical and simple tips and exercises in my books ‘Keep It Super Simple’& ‘The Economy of Enough’  – you can buy your copy from Amazon.

Want to chat? Email me on [email protected] or call me on +61 438 624 868 and we’ll set up a time!

Bronwen Sciortino is a Simplicity Expert, Professional Speaker and the internationally renowned author of ‘Keep It Super Simple’  & ‘The Economy of Enough’You can follow her at her website; Facebook, Instagram, or LinkedIn.