2020 will be remembered forever. Many have lost their lives, multiple have faced a severe financial crisis. Jobs are gone. People were sent in isolation. It was like a caged-at-home situation in almost every part of the world.
The pandemic has caused many worldwide to be together in their homes for an extended period. When that happens, you will either get separations at the end of the lockdown or babies several months down the line. People are like rabbits when cooped up for the longest time. If everything is normal between you two after being cooped up for several months, you probably have a healthy relationship. However, if the stress has uncovered that you are not compatible with each other, then a separation might be in order later.
See a relationship counselor if need be later if there are issues to work on and you both want to keep together with each other. There could be just some things that can be worked on. Like a hole in a bicycle inner tube, you patch the tube, and everything is fine after that. No one knows your relationship better than you two, so advice from someone on the internet can only be taken as a consideration to think about, take to each other and if need be a professional.
“I think we as a generation realized the importance of friends and family during the pandemic more than ever,” says actor and influencer Jai Bhatia. Jai, who has been getting popular through social media and has also been part of many fashion campaigns, is currently in New York, he said that somewhere our generation took our loved ones for granted pre-pandemic, but now during these dreadful times, we realized how our friends and family are so important to us,
Jai has been in talks with ott platforms for web series and is also a fashion and fitness influencer. He also talks about how one hour of daily workouts helped him cope with stress and depression during the pandemic.
“There were days when I had no motivation even to do one push-up, but I kept going in the hope of a better tomorrow.”
Because every business has been affected, people tried different ideas to do something innovative. I have also been working on my brand, which will have a different take on fitness and athleisure clothing, always wanted to do something in fashion that is better than workout clothes.
Staying strong has become our only choice and hoping for a better future, but the kind of support we get from our friends and family is what keeps us going.
I read a very relatable quote somewhere. It said, “we are a sad generation with happy pictures.” I guess we gotta change that.
My biggest support system has been my mother. Even when I am traveling, she is constantly there for me. I can talk to her about anything and everything. She has always been part of my ups and downs. We all have someone who cares for us.