Life’s busy, and full of a cacophony of alerts, messages, traffic, and the general busyness of each day.

Sign me up please for the joy of missing out.

Missing out on racing to something I’m not terribly interested in doing.

Missing out on office politics and the games of the human ego.

Missing out on feeling like it’s never enough.

Missing out on taking on more than what’s healthy for me.

Missing out on spending money I’d rather use in some other way.

Missing out on missing out on the joys that come from life’s tiny moments.

I Want to Know What Awed You Today

It feels so good to say no to things.

It used to be hard for me to say no. The word wouldn’t pass my lips. I’d have to be at the end of my rope, then I’d finally say no. Of course it sounded strained and angry because I’d waited too long.

Now it feels good to say no. And I can do it without feeling guilty about it.

The more I practiced saying no, the more I saw its benefits.

The benefits of JOMO are worth it.

Having a smile on my face.
Feeling a sense of inner peace.
Slowing down.
Hearing my inner voice.
Remembering life is experienced in the daily small but beautiful moments.
Enjoying better health.
Seeing the beauty all around me.
Paying more attention to the people and things I love.
Staying in tune with what’s good or not good for me.
Nurturing my creativity.

That doesn’t mean I’m a hermit.

It means I’m selective about how I spend my time.

It means I’m happy whether I’m out in a group or home by myself.

It means I value my thoughts and needs.

Right now as I type, I’m listening to and watching a rainstorm from my front porch, and I don’t fear I’m missing out on a thing.

I want to send you my free guide, “5 Days to More Peace, More Prosperity, and More Happiness”. Click here to get the guide for free!

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Cross posted at and Change Your Mind Change Your Life

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