COVID-19 imposed pandemic has taken a toll on people’s health especially emotionally and mentally. This has led many individuals to suffer from an anxiety disorder. In this write-up, let us find out how you will be able to cope up with mental distress caused by a coronavirus.

Tips to battle mental struggles due to COVID-19

These measures will help you to stay stress-free during the pandemic:

  1. Control what you can and do not worry about things that you cannot. Few things that you can keep within your reach include washing your hands frequently, sanitizing your stuff regularly, and wearing a mask whenever you go out of the house. Most importantly, try to maintain social distancing protocols.You must follow these guidelines even if you have received your vaccination.
  2. It is good to stay informed, but it is not a good idea to get obsessed with news round the clock. Also, try to believe in information only from reliable sources. For instance, if you have doubts related to COVID-19 visit the official website of the World Health Organization. Set a time for updates and try to avoid checking frequently because it might lead to greater anxiety.
  3. If you are feeling down and depressed, try to divert your attention. For instance, if you want, plan to arrange your wardrobe or try to clear out a mess that you have always wanted to. You can also make a note of the things that you would require for the next month and work out expenses.  
  4. During the pandemic, there are restrictions about whose house we can visit. Moreover, not everyone will want you to be around especially the ones that are not vaccinated as yetsays Josh Gibson MD. So, it is a wise move not to get declined if you want to visit someone. Instead, stick to your close-knit group. This includes your family members even if they are far away. Connect with your close friends. Thanks to the latest technology where you can see everyone virtually and communicate with them whenever you feel like it. It is worth the time you spend virtually. It allows you to ventilate your feelings and emotions. Most importantly, you experience a “feel-good factor” that is vital to keep you afloat mentally during the times of Covid.
  5. Do some light exercises or go for a brisk walk.If you can work out a fitness regimen, you will have no time to feel depressed or anxious. If you cannot go for walks daily, at least walking briskly 3 times a week will help you as well. The outdoors definitely has some refreshing experiences to offer.
  6. Get some respite from worldly affairs. Mental healing is possible if you meditate and turn to spiritual rejuvenation. It helps immensely.

In a nutshell, the mantra of staying mentally fit is to not stress your mind about “what ifs”. If you can follow these guidelines, you will surely be able to bail yourself out of the mess says Josh Gibson MD.
