Josiah Begley is the founder of Kings Of Content, a firm that has assisted dozens of individuals in achieving their goals and fulfilling their dreams and aspirations.
In this article, Josiah gives his take on living a healthy life, avoiding burnout, and being the best person you can be.
Staying Calm
Staying calm in tough situations is a crucial skill many of us fail to learn. There are days when it feels like our whole world is coming down on us, and we can do anything about it.
As an entrepreneur and leader, Josiah faces stressful situations Like this very day; closing clients, ensuring a team member is doing the right thing, etc. These are enough to make you lose your mind.
When Josiah feels stressed, he meditates. Meditation is an activity that has been proven time and again to reduce stress levels.
During medication, Josiah reflects on what is currently happening in his life rather than the events that might or might not occur in the future. He explains that if you worry too much about the events in the future,e you’ll become a slave to your mind, but when you dwell on current events, you fall liberated.
Your thoughts are like a river; you can be in the middle of the river, and watch your thoughts come at you with full force. Or you can decide to stay at the bank of the river and choose what part of your thoughts to watch.
Achieving Success
It takes a different mindset to be successful in anything- Rico Love.
Rick was absolutely right when he said this. Believe it or not, the way you think has a lot to do with the amount of success you’ll achieve in the future.
Ever since Josiah set out to master his mindset, he’s seen a lot of growth in his life. He shares with us that working on his mindset every day has motivated him to achieve success.
Another thing Josiah recommends is asking for help. You might think that this is a weak move, but it’s not. A lot of successful “self-made” billionaires got to where they are today by asking for help. They read books made by others and probably sought the help of mentors.
No one is self-made, you should ask for help if you want to succeed in life.
Avoiding burnout
Burnout… stress… aren’t these two the same? Surprisingly, they are not. Burnout is a state of emotional, physical, and mental fatigue caused by exposing ourselves to excessive and prolonged stress.
Basically, it’s a lot more harmful than average stress. To avoid burnout, Josiah sets his day up for success. At the beginning of the day, he puts himself into a proactive state of mind.
How does he do that? Well, he doesn’t react to anything in the morning. He doesn’t pick up his phone for an hour and only does proactive things like meditation and self-development. This sets the tone for his day and he’ll be less susceptible to burnout.
Apart from this, Josiah also recommends taking breaks. Most people work 16 hour days thinking that the more hours they put in their craft, the higher their chances at success would be.
They tend to forget about their health. They work until their bodies can’t take it anymore and fall ill. This is one of the major causes of burnout. Try taking four one-hour long breaks in a day and work twelve hours instead.
Continuous Growth
Habits are something we can’t do without. An adage says, ” Success is the sum of the habits and efforts we repeat day in and day out.”
Josiah acknowledges this fact and plans to implement good habits in his daily routine. Little things like daily personal development, learning always, and meditating daily can make all the difference.
He also plans to build new relationships and expand his network by providing a lot of free value to individuals he wants to work with.
Follow these tips Josiah has given, and you’ll be well on your way to achieving success and living the good life.