Amin Fardin is a freelance journalist working as Broadcast Journalist , Communications Journalist , Foreign Correspondent Journalist , Freelance Writer and more who has become very popular within Iranian/Kurdish/ Afghani community due to his reports. Despite the YouTube ban in Iran, his YouTube channel has got more than 100 million minutes viewing and is very well popular
Amin Fardin says news is that part of communication that keeps us informed of the changing events, issues, and characters in the world outside. Though it may be interesting or even entertaining, the foremost value of news is as a utility to empower the informed. To many, journalism might not be considered the driving force behind social change. Yet journalists’ work has throughout history – whether it’s by exposing human rights abuses, holding leaders accountable, or giving people a voice – played a crucial role in bringing about positive change.
Knowledge maketh man, they say. The idea behind this age old saying is that without knowledge, humans would be no better than unintelligent animals. Journalists, historians, and researchers – these are the people who are credited with providing knowledge to humanity. Among these, it is journalists who provide us with all of our knowledge of current events and occurrences around the world. With the boom in information and communications technology over the last two decades, the world of journalism has changed immensely says Amin.
Well, in the age of information, what we need is the harsh reality of media exposure to hit us in the face no matter how sensitive we may be – and that’s where real, traditional journalism comes in.
A journalist relies on facts and evidence, not on emotions while working on a story. An ideal journalist should be observant and possess strong analytical skills to assess a situation if there is something more to it. Whether it is about confirming the credibility of sources or assessing an incident, a journalist should know how to weight a situation critically. Sound judgment to verify the information before drafting the story is equally significant.
To give you a better idea of if you have what it takes to be a good journalist, check out the essential qualities listed below.
To be a good journalist, you must possess a “solid ethical core” and integrity. Journalist’s must have their audience’s trust in order to succeed. Fairness, objectivity and honesty are three factors that need to be built into every story. It is a journalist’s duty to report accurate and reliable information to the public. If a journalist is ever put into a scenario where trust could be compromised, they should step aside.
With so much of competition to move ahead in the race, sometimes journalists abandon their ethics for money and fame. A good journalist should always behave ethically and never follow illegal measures even if it helps in uncovering the secrets behind a story. Accuracy and honest should be more important while writing a new piece.
Thorough Knowledge
For being a good journalist, you need to be aware of the current events. Read a wide range of both print and digital medium of news sources to stay updated on the happening events. Also, you need to have some background knowledge before you go out to cover a story and write on it. Your ability to research to find out the important details of a story is quite helpful.
A good journalist must also be courageous and bold. Part of the job is asking tough questions and digger deeper than comfortable when deemed necessary. Personal feelings must be put aside in order to unleash the truth. In most cases, journalists will need to be out on the scene to get a full, unique story. This includes traveling to drastic and dangerous events to get details.
Journalism is there to shed light on what someone wants to keep in the dark, to challenge postulates from those given or seeking power, to inform the citizens about whether the management of our common resources are good or bad, or to put it precisely: to empower the informed.
If you want people to remember what you say, you must connect with your audience in three ways: telling the truth, conveying your emotions, and telling a story he quoted.