Joy! Anyone can have it. It’s free. It’s healthy. It’s contagious.
There are a few changes required to help bring joy into our lives, like shedding the judgmental points of view thwarted upon us by another. Shed it!
I rather like the thought of realizing my faults as opposed to the faults of the many thousands of people with whom we planet-share. Yes, joy comes with personal responsibility and polish.
Shut off and shut down the Negative Nellies’ rants against others or against a single moment in current history. These moments come in a flash and disappear as quickly. Negativity consumes. Joy nourishes.
Eliminate from your eyes and ears the mocking words of boisterous bullies. Speak kindness instead. Wicked words harden the frame around our life-story. Like a wall, frames block incoming and trap what’s within. Do we want to frame our hearts with life-giving fields of joy or a heart framed in sharp stones and desolation?
Close the door to dystopian vision. Let’s open our hearts to the possibilities of all things bright and good.
Imagine the thorny wilderness of one who chooses hostility over joy. No! On second thought don’t imagine that because it will not encourage joy. Instead, wish well to those lost and entangled in weeds for they may be lonely, they may face demons from their past, or they may face unpleasant circumstances outside of their control.
Just know that joy is possible for anyone. Joy is simple.
Joy must be fed. Joy expands with generosity, giving and forgiveness. Joy thrives within a humble mind. No palladium and gold credit card necessary to feed joy.
A joyful heart is not a Pollyanna heart. Joy gives and accepts grace and gratitude. Joy allows obstacles to soften as joy widens our eyes and lightens our paths.
Joy must be fed. Joy expands with generosity, giving and forgiveness. Joy thrives within a humble mind. No palladium and gold credit card necessary to feed joy.
Heartbreak, sadness, illness, and natural catastrophes will remain. Let joy be the remedy to working through moments of loss and pain. Let joy become the salve that heals the wounds of being human. Tears are okay. Apply gratitude. Apply giving. Apply knowledge.
Joy is always found in the beauty of a sunflower, the song of the sea, and the glory of trees rising toward the sun. Nature is joy’s greatest harbinger.
Wealth doesn’t always bring joy. Joy, however, may bring wealth — the wealth of priceless moments of love and understanding — all steps toward growing us into a compassionate people.
Joy is ours to have, even in a world off axis.