In these current times, and states of Being, one can feel the fruition of hard work to be halted. Its the worst feeling, ever. Well, one of the worst. The anguish of disappointments and frustrations in not seeing one’s current work, blossom, is heightened. With job lay offs, changes in work schedules, restructuring your home as your new work environment, delays, and other things, one could feel as if they are failing. I know it sounds crazy. It sounds insane, especially when you are an accomplished individual. Nevertheless, its one of those discomforting phases that we have to go through, if we are to become wiser and stronger. Elevating ourselves to the next level, and knowing how to keep our determination, and motivation going, when our dreams and ambitions feel, stuck.

During that moment when restlessness rears its ugly head, is when we should push further in our efforts. During that ugly phase when things seems out of control is when we should compel ourselves to create more, write more, produce more. Just do more. Its that discipline which happens when we begin to appreciate the work. Appreciate what we are producing. And doing it for the beauties, joys, and spiritual elevation of it. More than simply to see quick rewards, status, and prestige.
Living in a particular society, where one is programmed to view one’s production as mainly for rewards, is very challenging. Perhaps, due these current times, humanity is being challenged to re-assess the real treasures. Those treasures being of human creativity. Falling in love with what we have manifested and brought into fruition. The production of our work is one of the ways of seeing this love. Lesson being learned? We should value the work for the fact that it exists. Not merely because we gain money, or material rewards, from it. Wow! That’s a lot to take in, isn’t it? Let’s go a little deeper, shall we?

Work, creation, production is. . .spiritual. Imagine that? In such a fast-paced society, we would never think of work in such a way. In other cultures, where they get it, yes! Yet, in many urban cities, especially in the United States, people are working to make money, buy a home, survive, or live the American Dream. The spiritual is deemed “appropriate,” when it is saved for Sunday, church services. Imagine that.
One of the wonderful attributes about this current time of restlessness for many, is that it is allowing us to ask the question, “why are we restless?” Is it because we are impatient and want to see immediate results, of what we have worked hard for? Is it because we are dealing with financial difficulties, and need to see that check? Are we creating problems, that don’t exist? Why are we restless?
Perhaps, this wealth of down time that we have is an opportunity for us to assess how we want to enjoy our productivity. Enjoy the work, the actual process, before completion. As opposed to rushing through, in order to get to the next task. Too many of us have been programmed in believing that work can’t be enjoyable. That it is supposed to be a painful chore. A torture chamber, which is necessary for us to live, during this modern-day “hustle.” Many of us have struggled with this. Yet, we don’t have to continue in this toxicity.
More and more, as I release the chains of torture, I continue to see how enjoyable work is supposed to be. Not only is it enjoyable, but it is also spiritual. Work, creativity, and production allows us to map our footprints, and envision them in Heaven’s domains. In addition, work allows us to imagine what creativity in Heaven, actually looks like. And, once we are exposed to the real definition, and true essence of work, we become aware as to how its purpose has become. . . manipulated. Work elevates our very Soul and presence, on Earth.

During these “stagnant” times, we have a lot to think about, and reflect upon. There is great opportunity to re-balance, and re-shape, what has fallen apart in our lives. Whether that is family, friendships, relationships, finding our true love, reflecting on our new calling, getting healthier, or what have you. We have time to clean up, and bring our lives back in order. What many may see as a downfall, is also, sacred. This current time of stillness, stopping, and staying in (S3), is also sacred. Its that time of re-adjusting our lives, and getting prepared for a greater joy and beauty, that is to arise from this. The question is will you be prepared once it comes? Are you training yourself to work, differently? To learn to cherish the abundance of work? That’s what needs to be addressed.

As we are moving into this new period and era of work and production, let’s appreciate the process, along the way. It may be agonizing, at first. It will be discomforting, at times, as we will learn that when we are really immersing in the artistry of work, we don’t get the privilege of rushing things for quick benefits. That’s not how it, works. The true artistry of work, is that it requires, that we enjoy it! Yes, a hidden fact, is that work is meant to be. . .enjoyable. Who would have ever known? When we find pleasures in what we have created, produced, cleaned, or what have you, work is to be, enjoyed. We were never really told that. Well, now, we know!

After we have completed our work, we become re-newed. Especially, if we have enjoyed it, placing it in the proper channel (not in its current form of exploitation and destruction) in the realms of spirituality and creativity, there is a sense of restoration, and elevation, when we have completed one part of it. It feels so good! Every time, we are doing that work, we are elevating ourselves to greater heights. Mentally. Spiritually. Emotionally. My goodness! Whoever knew that work could feel, so good?

As we are going through this period of uncertainty, let’s work to find calm. As we are in a period of his/herstory, where the world seems out of order, let’s create. As we are in a period of time, where life is even more precious, let’s produce. Only this time, we can be healed by the work, in the process!