That’s what I am. A regular guy. You and I can do a lot of the same things.
But there’s a difference. I’m 85.
I’ve seen a lot. And done a lot. And there’s been a lot of water under my bridge.
Many people think I’m attached to my rocking chair, waiting for that inevitable day to come. I’m trying to postpone that day.
I can still throw a moderate fastball. Maybe a little bit of a curve. I can touch my toes. And walk a couple of hours without taking a break.
I do have my marbles. But occasionally I will forget where they may be.
I’m writing all this because I’m going to throw you a pitch. And the pitch will have no curves. Just straight stuff. Mostly questions. Questions that I’ve thought about for over 60 years. Let me say that when I did pitch, I pitched more with my head than I did with my arm.
I still do the same thing. My pitch will be about trust. Without trust, what’s left?
Trust covers so much ground.
Wouldn’t you say that trust and truth go hand in hand? I’m winding up now and here’s the first pitch. It’s about lying.
How do you feel about lying?
Is lying important to you in a relationship?
Is lying a weapon?
Maybe this will help with your answers.
When you look in the mirror who
do you see? If you can answer that honestly, you’re on your way.
You’re less suspicious. Less cynical. And more likely that not to sense something that’s off base.
Back to lying, and the evolution of lying.
According to an article in the Daily Mail by Desmond Morris in 2007, infants as early as six months lie to their parents. They cry even though they’re not hurting. They just want to be picked up and held.
Sound familiar? Some things don’t change. We all lie or have lied at one time or another. Lying sounds like a dirty word. When we sense a “lie,” we get our backs up.
So where does that leave us? How do you handle a lie My answer is to recognize the nature of the lie, and then handle it accordingly.
There’s big lies, and little lies or white lies. There’s defensive lies, and offensive lies. We lie when we bluff, and lie when we cover up. Of course, there’s the exaggeration, and the half-truths. And we lie for attention.
Perhaps it’s part of human nature to lie. As you can see, there is a history for lying. Just understand it for what it is. And when you look in the mirror, you’ll see a regular guy, who goes through life not relying on the curve ball.
At the risk of sounding overly dramatic, lying can cause wars, bankruptcies, divorces, you name it. And make a regular guy, unrecognizable. A long way from thriving.