1. Tell us about your success
I was in South Africa when the pandemic stopped the entire world in it’s tracks. Immediately I took the knowledge from being a nutritionist to go out and purchase appropriate immune boosting supplements. I also used the tools from my life coaching training and focused on having a positive mindset!
2. What do you recommend to young people who wants to follow your footsteps?
The advise I would love young people to take in is to protect your energy! What I mean by that is to limit negativity constantly being streamed on social media and comparison with others. We are ALL unique and should just be the best WE can be. JUST BE YOUR BEST SELF!
3. What do you do for your well-being?
I limit Social Media to what I want to see and participate. I do not watch the news anymore as I used to. I will look at headlines and look at the source and decide if it is something I will choose or not to choose to read. I manipulate my social media by only liking and following positive posts. When I have a challenge falling back asleep I use a guided meditation and highly recommend the same for others. I choose to watch something light and funny in the evening and eliminate anything too heavy at least 3 hours prior to bed.
Additionally, I keep a gratitude journal which is perhaps the #1 thing that keeps my well-being on track.
Also I make sure the basics are covered:

Allie Marcus lives her work as a Nutritionist & Wellness Coach every day by successfully maintaining 100 pounds of weight loss for 15 years and counting. She uses functional life coaching tools to help people in every aspect in life because health, finance and relationships are all connected.
This former Weight Watchers Leader has a holistic approach and believes everyone has unique goals they want to achieve. She customizes every program to fit the individual goals her clients have and works with them every step of the way.