If you’re using social media for brand and product awareness, you’re going to want to read this article or watch this tutorial HERE.

As a Visibility Consultant and CEO of Publicity Creations by Design I’ve seen many patterns with online marketing over the years.

As I consult my clients, I hear their frustration around lack of engagement on social media or lack of sales as they gauge what is working and what is not. Then out of nowhere a follower will approach them and be one of their most lucrative clients or customers.

The key is, you may be leaning on the outcome of likes and comments too heavily and what it really going on behind the scenes is where your biggest raving fans may be.

Allow me to demonstrate these 4 social media behaviors and how you may be able to spot someone that is just a fan, versus who may be ready to buy.

Disclaimer: I compare these 4 behaviors to the DISC personality assessment.

1 Behavior: The POSTER – Which can be similar to the High D personality type.

They post because they feel obligated to do so and don’t put a lot of effort into the post itself. They are rushed when doing so and don’t really care who comments or clicks like. They also very rarely reply to anyone that comments on their posts either. They tend to post it and leave it feeling that social media is a hassle.

This type of behavior is made by high achievers. They don’t have a lot of time for social media because they are too busy working towards their goals. They can be very single focused and less transparent with their feelings or emotions.

Ironically, this type of person will be an easy sale once they decide to buy. They make quick choices and are very direct. I love working with this type of client as they are very self-driven and have a clear outlook about what they want.

Don’t view their lack of patience with details as a lack of interest.

2 Behavior: The ENGAGER – Which can be similar to the High I personality type.

They will share all of their feelings on social media to the point of making some of their followers uncomfortable. At times you may feel like they are using social media as their daily journal or a personal diary.

They may give you false hope that they are interested in your products or services because they love commenting on your posts. Some may buy based on an emotional experience with you and some may just want to be your biggest fan. These types of clients can be very outgoing and friendly but may not purchase anything from you.

Keep these relationships close, they are great networkers and connectors and may be ideal for future business opportunities. Keep in mind that their comments will help you long term with your algorithms.

3 Behavior: The PARTICIPATOR – which can be similar to the High S personality type.

This behavior type is your biggest cheerleader and supporter. They will share your content and add tons of value in your comments section but won’t be so quick to commit to any purchases.

This type tends to sit on the fence for a long time before making a solid decision. This behavior can also be a people pleaser and just say what they think you want to hear. This may be misleading as you are assuming that they are ready to buy, when in fact they just like you.

Keep in mind that this type of person can also be your ideal client, once they are finally won over, they may be one of your most loyal long-term clients.

Sidenote: This type also makes great relationship partners (wink).

4 Behavior: The SPECTATOR – Which can be similar to the High C personality type.

This type may be your biggest fan in disguise and watch you from afar without commenting or engaging on any of your posts. They are the most mysterious and they don’t always outwardly express themselves. This type may surprise you and reach out one day to sign one of your biggest contracts.

This type can be very analytical and prefer to research their purchases prior to buying. Their buying style is less emotion based and more data based. Be patient with them, they need facts in order to buy but once they are all in, you will see them leap forward.

Why do I share all of this with you?

To kindly educate you that it’s impossible to gauge what is truly going on behind the scenes. What people post and reply to is not the best indicator of whether they will be your ideal client/customer or not. The key is to keep putting out relevant and valuable content, engage and be authentic. Your job is to give your ideal client plenty of content to preview prior to purchasing.

Be the light and the right moths will be attracted to your flame.