As the outer chaos and upheaval continues to rise around the globe and throughout the collective field, it’s a great reminder for us to continue going within ourselves for the answers. To develop the inner cultivation necessary in order to surf these gigantic waves of the unknown with precision and Integritty.
Yes, we can have a healthy concern for whats happening around the planet and to the planet, and to assist in all the ways we can.
The message is also to not get too ‘swept up’, but to ANCHOR DOWN and GO WITHIN to get our greatest possible sense of strength, grounding and inner fortitude possible as all of the things that do not serve humanity and this planet are moved through, witnessed, purged and released so we can be free and to set the tone for all of the generations to come.
So as the outer world goes through its process of transmutation of the collective shadow, so shall we be called to continuously assist in personally transcending all that comes to meet us in each new waking day ?
Even though we will constantly be faced with our doubts, confusion and helplessness, it’s simply a greater part of the design at this time…
How we handle ourselves in each now moment is all up to US.
We got this.
#unity #embodiment #empowerment
Image Source – Unknown (Please let me know if you do so I can credit)