Most of us have been through major transitions in our life. Loss of a loved one, divorce, job loss, aging parents, to name a few! Transitions, typically, come on unexpectedly, leaving us ill-prepared, overwhelmed, and confused, as we attempt to navigate unchartered territory.
Sound familiar?
Collectively, as a nation, as a world, we are in the midst of a major life transition. The Covid19 Pandemic, has created major upheaval in our personal and professional lives.
Transitions of all kinds wreak havoc on our lives. Everything that we previously accepted as normal, no longer exists. Life, as we know it will never be the same.
As unsettling as these transitions may be, there are some things we can do that can ease us through these challenging times.
Time for reflection
The first is to recognize and acknowledge what it is that you are going through.
If you can understand that you are in a transition, and the litany of emotions that go along with it, it will help you grasp the concept that, it is not permanent and that you “will” get through it. Think about other transitions, events in your life, that had the same impact, and remember how you got through it. Even though this seems to be all major transitions happening at the same time, when you recognize that you have experienced some upheaval at other times in your life, and observe how you progressed from there and how far you have come, you will be better equipped to progress through this too!
Evaluate your priorities
Covid has afforded us an opportunity to examine our life and priorities
When life was busy, we accepted certain relationships, jobs, schedules, and many things that are not in alignment with want we want for our life. Having the gift of time, has given us the opportunity to evaluate, and sometimes, notice for the first time, what we are accepting. Evaluate your life. What wasn’t working before the pandemic? What needs to change? Deciding what’s important, helps you know where to focus your attention and your energy.
Now is the time.
Take control
One of the things that makes us feel so overwhelmed, is that this is something that is out of our control. We have a desperate need for stability at times like this. We can’t control Covid, but, we can control ourselves. We can only control our own thoughts and actions.
Regain control in the areas that you CAN control; your finances, your mindset, and spirituality. Find things to feel positive about and imagine the best possible outcome.
Organize your surroundings. Your home is your sanctuary. Make it a place of calm and solitude. Eliminate chaos in your world. Declutter and make it a place of comfort.
Take Action
Put a plan in place for how you need to move forward.
Take some time to envision the best possible outcome for you and your family.
Learn new skills that can help you advance into something new.
Strategize various outcomes, and take the steps every day that will bring you closer to those outcomes.
This is a time to prune and renew. An opportunity to grow and change and bring in more of what you want for your life.
Transitions are periods of growth and change, meant to guide us into the next chapter of our life.
Giving up everything that we knew about our existence to be “normal”, can be difficult. But, being open to new opportunities and possibilities can be exciting!