“Your body cannot heal if it’s racing about.”
–Dr. Ann Webster, director of the renowned Mind Body Program for Cancer at Massachusetts General Hospital’s Benson-Henry Institute.
Rest not only nurtures the body, but it gives the mind time to integrate new ways of being.
Doing “nothing” often seems counterproductive to those of us who are used to feeling a sense of achievement from task-oriented activities.
Yet, by stopping to refuel, we become acquainted with our inner sense of worth. These “pit stops” help open us to enjoy a fuller expression of ourselves.
In times of transition especially — like changing jobs, launching a new business, grieving the loss of a loved one, moving, or starting or ending a relationship — rest is most beneficial. It renews our spirit and also gives us fresh insights prompted by the external change so we can recalibrate accordingly.
This summer, as you take time to play and enjoy the outdoors (as my friends in New England are doing; those of us in Arizona may be hibernating more inside during our heat waves), savor times of doing nothing.
Rest in knowing downtime is one of the most valuable gifts you can yourself, even it is makes you squirm a little at first to get acquainted with the treasures that lie within.
If, by chance, you are unable to give yourself permission to rest, ask: “What am I running from?” That one question can ground you into observing the emotions that may need to be felt or expressed. Befriend them instead of distracting yourself with busyness. These feelings often provide great clues about your needs at this juncture in life.
Rest is also a time to be playful. Sit under the stars at night and stare up at the sky, or eat a picnic dinner by a riverbank and watch the sunset.
To indulging in a slower pace of life all summer long,
P.S. — I’d love to hear about all the places you rest and renew if you’re inspired to share in the “leave a reply” section at the end of this blog post!
The beautiful graphic pictured above was created by the talented Beth Shedd of PhotOptimist. She shot the photo at Crane Beach, Ipswich, MA, which was one of my favorite spots to lead walking sessions with clients when I lived back East.
Originally published at www.supportmatters.com.
Originally published at medium.com