- Who inspired you achieved to become a musician? Tell us
about your journey as an artist from the beginning to now.
We all come in with our unique gifts and as a young child, my
family noticed that I had the gift of song. I would sit in front of
my parent’s record player and sing to all the albums they had –
which was an electic collection, to be sure!
With that, I became conscious that I had something unique and
that people liked listening to me sing. This encouraged me
greatly and I started to find women I enjoyed listening to and try
to emulate them. One of the first ones was Olivia Newton-John.
I owned every album and knew every song by heart and every
nuance of her voice, I tried to make my own. That’s how I
learned to sing before I graduated into formal training at around
the age of 12.
I always had a lot of encouragement from the adults in my
school and my religious community, and this provided the
motivation to keep cultivating my gift.
Unfortunately, I also had crippling social anxiety stemming from
a violent alcoholic home and my father’s suicide.
The dual currents of wanting to use my gift and having a
crippling fear of people and performing took a lifetime to
integrate — a story unto itself and linked to many other aspects
of my life experience — all to be told in my upcoming book.
Four years ago, I finally felt that I could meet my gift with my
whole being and I launched a KickStarter to raise the funds to
make an album.
To my surprise, my community, friends, and family all rallied
around the project and we exceeded the goal. The album was
released in June of 2016, and from that point, I learned about
the endless aspect of marketing and promotion, booking and performing.
Being an independent artist is not for the faint of heart.
Basically, its running a small business, and one has to really
treat it as such, working on it every day in some way.
This year, I released my second album and toured the
northwest with my music and business partner, Vito Gregoli.
My mission with my art is to bring beauty into the world and into
people’s lives. It has been tremendously gratifying to share it
with the world and to have such a warm reception — as well as
seeing the old aspects of fear and anxiety drop away and
dissolve in the vibration of the music.
2. What advice would you give to a young person who aspire to
have your success?
Know Thyself. Know your unique artistic gift. You are not like
the people you hear on the radio. Let them inspire you, but you
are your own perfectly unique instrument. Spend time with your
instrument and really connect within. Find your inner resources
by spending time cultivating your vision for your art.
Practice. Train. Apply yourself to your craft now, while you are
young. Its at this time in your life when you really have the time
to devote yourself to your craft. Its also at this time when your
brain is at its most elastic and you can learn more quickly and
easily than later in your life.
Study business, because the best thing you can do is to know
how to run your music business yourself. There’s a lot of
practical knowledge you will want to have in order to be the
master of your own ship. Dive in and learn as much as you can
so that you can integrate it before its time to use it.
3. What do you do on the daily basis to keep a healthy lifestyle?
I am in bed early and up before the sun.
I meditate and read something spiritual every single morning in
preparation for meeting my day.
I drink lots of water and make sure I’m getting the minerals my
body needs to function at its best.
I eat whole, healthy foods — no packaged foods ever.
I exercise regularly — sometimes its just walking, other days its
I am vigilant about what I expose my consciousness to…
movies, books, reading materials… I make sure that what I put
it into my consciousness will support my mental, emotional, and
spiritual health.
I am in a daily relationship with my own inner guidance system
through my practices and this supports me through all the
decisions and challenges I face in my life.
Kindled by an awareness of divine guidance and conscious connection with spirit, singer/songwriter Kimberly Haynes expresses her musical art in a synthesis of uplifting songs in the style of world, folk, pop and sacred chanting in the languages of English, Sanskrit, Hebrew, Spanish, and Portuguese. Kimberly’s enrapturing sonic portals deliver the listener directly into the heart space.
The spectrum of Kimberly’s eclectic and enlightening vocal performances evokes both the tenderness of a mother’s touch and the ancient feminine power of a tribal priestess. Her compositions are a musical journey of discovery, healing, personal growth and devotion.
“My songs are my personal truths,” explains Haynes. “I am blessed to carry those truths into the world and it is my hope that they will be a blessing to all who hear them. I raise my voice in song to awaken a place deep within myself — and in others — where we can collectively begin to remember our own sacred hearts, our sacred connection to the earth, and the sacredness in each other.”
“Each of us has the daily opportunity to awaken to our personal destiny of joy and peace — to who we truly are and what we each have to give. We daily have the opportunity to awaken to the sacred of both our individual and our collective earthly journey.”
Despite limited exposure to art and music in the inner city where she was raised, Kimberly Haynes bravely followed a divinely inspired call to song. Her passionate approach to life is reflected clearly through the music she creates. Having walked through extraordinary difficult personal challenges with her grace intact, she has allowed those experiences to deepen and enrich her song and she channels her experiences into a tapestry of music for the heart.
With a vast reservoir of experience and insight into the transformative power of music and singing, Kimberly’s background includes:
30+ years of vocal pedagogy,
20 years study of sacred music from around the world,
20 years Jewish studies and cantorial service in a Los Angeles synagogue,
Deep, continuous study and practice of yogic science
5 years sound healing apprenticeship
5 years South American ritual apprenticeship
4 years study and practice of Kirtan
4 years leading Sacred Song Circles
Founder of Yoga of Voice & Vibration
Award winning recording artist
You will hear Kimberly’s greatest musical influences — such as Shawn Colvin, Joni Mitchell, and Sarah Mc Lachlan — as she harmoniously weaves inspirational heart-felt lyrics into a rich tapestry of world instruments to create poetic reflections born of a life of tremendous trials and tribulations. “Having risen from my own ashes multiple times, it is my mission to carry music of the heart into the world. My life and my music are richer and deeper for the challenges I have overcome, and my songs are a reflection of my personal journey.” she conveys.
Bathe in the enchanting soaring vocals of Kimberly Haynes in her exquisite new release, “In Dreams”. With songs in English, Spanish, Hebrew, Sanskrit and Portuguese, the vibrant instrumentation including charango, sansula, medicine drums, didjeridu, monolina and other instruments both exotic and familiar will enchant and transport you.
Kimberly’s debut album “Awaken Me,” is an uplifting invitation into the heart and unifies brilliant performances played by some of the most well respected musicians in the industry such as Tina Malia, Christo Pellani, Peter Kater, Jesus Florido and Byron Metcalf and won Album of the Year, One World Music Awards 2016.
“Haynes’ gentle, soothing, wistful, and haunting voice reaches resplendent passions…At every point, sincerity rings through, and the two constituents, the vocal and instrumental elements, serve as bolsters to each other in the subtlest but most suffused of ways…not only are her deliveries satiny and mellifluous but this woman boasts excellent compositional skills as well.”
~ Rude-imentary Truth
For more information, visit: http://www.musicmedicinewoman.com
We all come in with our unique gifts and as a young child, my
family noticed that I had the gift of song. I would sit in front of
my parent’s record player and sing to all the albums they had –
which was an electic collection, to be sure!
With that, I became conscious that I had something unique and
that people liked listening to me sing. This encouraged me
greatly and I started to find women I enjoyed listening to and try
to emulate them. One of the first ones was Olivia Newton-John.
I owned every album and knew every song by heart and every
nuance of her voice, I tried to make my own. That’s how I
learned to sing before I graduated into formal training at around
the age of 12.
I always had a lot of encouragement from the adults in my
school and my religious community, and this provided the
motivation to keep cultivating my gift.
Unfortunately, I also had crippling social anxiety stemming from
a violent alcoholic home and my father’s suicide.
The dual currents of wanting to use my gift and having a
crippling fear of people and performing took a lifetime to
integrate — a story unto itself and linked to many other aspects
of my life experience — all to be told in my upcoming book.
Four years ago, I finally felt that I could meet my gift with my
whole being and I launched a KickStarter to raise the funds to
make an album.
To my surprise, my community, friends, and family all rallied
around the project and we exceeded the goal. The album was
released in June of 2016, and from that point, I learned about
the endless aspect of marketing and promotion, booking and performing.
Being an independent artist is not for the faint of heart.
Basically, its running a small business, and one has to really
treat it as such, working on it every day in some way.
This year, I released my second album and toured the
northwest with my music and business partner, Vito Gregoli.
My mission with my art is to bring beauty into the world and into
people’s lives. It has been tremendously gratifying to share it
with the world and to have such a warm reception — as well as
seeing the old aspects of fear and anxiety drop away and
dissolve in the vibration of the music.
2. What advice would you give to a young person who aspire to
have your success?
Know Thyself. Know your unique artistic gift. You are not like
the people you hear on the radio. Let them inspire you, but you
are your own perfectly unique instrument. Spend time with your
instrument and really connect within. Find your inner resources
by spending time cultivating your vision for your art.
Practice. Train. Apply yourself to your craft now, while you are
young. Its at this time in your life when you really have the time
to devote yourself to your craft. Its also at this time when your
brain is at its most elastic and you can learn more quickly and
easily than later in your life.
Study business, because the best thing you can do is to know
how to run your music business yourself. There’s a lot of
practical knowledge you will want to have in order to be the
master of your own ship. Dive in and learn as much as you can
so that you can integrate it before its time to use it.
3. What do you do on the daily basis to keep a healthy lifestyle?
I am in bed early and up before the sun.
I meditate and read something spiritual every single morning in
preparation for meeting my day.
I drink lots of water and make sure I’m getting the minerals my
body needs to function at its best.
I eat whole, healthy foods — no packaged foods ever.
I exercise regularly — sometimes its just walking, other days its
I am vigilant about what I expose my consciousness to…
movies, books, reading materials… I make sure that what I put
it into my consciousness will support my mental, emotional, and
spiritual health.
I am in a daily relationship with my own inner guidance system
through my practices and this supports me through all the
decisions and challenges I face in my life.
Kindled by an awareness of divine guidance and conscious connection with spirit, singer/songwriter Kimberly Haynes expresses her musical art in a synthesis of uplifting songs in the style of world, folk, pop and sacred chanting in the languages of English, Sanskrit, Hebrew, Spanish, and Portuguese. Kimberly’s enrapturing sonic portals deliver the listener directly into the heart space.
The spectrum of Kimberly’s eclectic and enlightening vocal performances evokes both the tenderness of a mother’s touch and the ancient feminine power of a tribal priestess. Her compositions are a musical journey of discovery, healing, personal growth and devotion.
“My songs are my personal truths,” explains Haynes. “I am blessed to carry those truths into the world and it is my hope that they will be a blessing to all who hear them. I raise my voice in song to awaken a place deep within myself — and in others — where we can collectively begin to remember our own sacred hearts, our sacred connection to the earth, and the sacredness in each other.”
“Each of us has the daily opportunity to awaken to our personal destiny of joy and peace — to who we truly are and what we each have to give. We daily have the opportunity to awaken to the sacred of both our individual and our collective earthly journey.”
Despite limited exposure to art and music in the inner city where she was raised, Kimberly Haynes bravely followed a divinely inspired call to song. Her passionate approach to life is reflected clearly through the music she creates. Having walked through extraordinary difficult personal challenges with her grace intact, she has allowed those experiences to deepen and enrich her song and she channels her experiences into a tapestry of music for the heart.
With a vast reservoir of experience and insight into the transformative power of music and singing, Kimberly’s background includes:
30+ years of vocal pedagogy,
20 years study of sacred music from around the world,
20 years Jewish studies and cantorial service in a Los Angeles synagogue,
Deep, continuous study and practice of yogic science
5 years sound healing apprenticeship
5 years South American ritual apprenticeship
4 years study and practice of Kirtan
4 years leading Sacred Song Circles
Founder of Yoga of Voice & Vibration
Award winning recording artist
You will hear Kimberly’s greatest musical influences — such as Shawn Colvin, Joni Mitchell, and Sarah Mc Lachlan — as she harmoniously weaves inspirational heart-felt lyrics into a rich tapestry of world instruments to create poetic reflections born of a life of tremendous trials and tribulations. “Having risen from my own ashes multiple times, it is my mission to carry music of the heart into the world. My life and my music are richer and deeper for the challenges I have overcome, and my songs are a reflection of my personal journey.” she conveys.
Bathe in the enchanting soaring vocals of Kimberly Haynes in her exquisite new release, “In Dreams”. With songs in English, Spanish, Hebrew, Sanskrit and Portuguese, the vibrant instrumentation including charango, sansula, medicine drums, didjeridu, monolina and other instruments both exotic and familiar will enchant and transport you.
Kimberly’s debut album “Awaken Me,” is an uplifting invitation into the heart and unifies brilliant performances played by some of the most well respected musicians in the industry such as Tina Malia, Christo Pellani, Peter Kater, Jesus Florido and Byron Metcalf and won Album of the Year, One World Music Awards 2016.
“Haynes’ gentle, soothing, wistful, and haunting voice reaches resplendent passions…At every point, sincerity rings through, and the two constituents, the vocal and instrumental elements, serve as bolsters to each other in the subtlest but most suffused of ways…not only are her deliveries satiny and mellifluous but this woman boasts excellent compositional skills as well.”
~ Rude-imentary Truth
For more information, visit: http://www.musicmedicinewoman.com