Emotional wellness. Do employees know that someone cares; do they know their leader and team members got their back? In my book, there is a story about Robert, a Vietnam veteran, who was on my team. We needed to understand what was driving his slip in performance. With empathy and kindness, I talked candidly with him about what was happening outside of the office that affected his performance and what we could do to help him.
The pandemic pause brought us to a moment of collective reckoning about what it means to live well and to work well. As a result, employees are sending employers an urgent signal that they are no longer willing to choose one — life or work — at the cost of the other. Working from home brought life literally into our work. And as the world now goes hybrid, employees are drawing firmer boundaries about how much of their work comes into their life. Where does this leave employers? And which perspectives and programs contribute most to progress? In our newest interview series, Working Well: How Companies Are Creating Cultures That Support & Sustain Mental, Emotional, Social, Physical & Financial Wellness, we are talking to successful executives, entrepreneurs, managers, leaders, and thought leaders across all industries to share ideas about how to shift company cultures in light of this new expectation. We’re discovering strategies and steps employers and employees can take together to live well and to work well.
As a part of this series, we had the pleasure of interviewing Kyle McDowell.
Kyle McDowell is an author, speaker, and leadership coach with nearly three decades of experience leading tens of thousands of employees at some of the biggest companies in the United States. With an MBA from the Kellogg School of Management at Northwestern University, Kyle is widely known for his inspiring approaches to transforming bosses into leaders and reshaping corporate cultures.
McDowell’s passion for people and proven track record for cultivating truly authentic and courageous leaders were born from an unwavering belief that there’s a better way to thrive in Corporate America. That passion culminated in the creation of The 10 WEs, McDowell’s guiding principles that also serve as the foundation for his recently published book, Begin With WE: 10 Principles for Building and Sustaining a Culture of Excellence, and the launch of his executive leadership speaking and coaching company, Kyle McDowell Inc.
Thank you for making time to visit with us about the topic of our time. Our readers would like to get to know you better. Tell us about a formative experience that prompted you to change your relationship with work and how work shows up in your life.
There are probably hundreds of examples that caused me to pause and say, “Is this how it should be or is this how I want my teams to feel.” But certainly, one story stands out.
My mother passed away in 2011 after an ugly battle with cancer. She was a very successful executive in the manufactured housing industry. She was a hard worker and taught me how to treat people well, with respect, and to be a good person.
Once we reached the point of acceptance ― that she wasn’t going to get better ― something that kind of bothered me as we approached the end of her journey with cancer was that she worked nearly every single day. I can still see her in the hospital bed with her laptop banging out emails. At one point, she turned to me in the hospital and said, “You know, Kyle, it’s not supposed to be this way.”
She said, “I’m 62 and I’ve worked my entire life to provide for our family, and I’ve done that. I know you and your sister will be fine after I’m gone. I’ve worked so hard, for so long, but never really got to enjoy the fruits of my labor. I’m going to work up until the day I die. It’s not supposed to be this way.”
That moment changed me.
I can still hear her words today. At the time, I led a large national organization, responsible for thousands of people. For many years of my career, I was one of those guys that a lot of people probably didn’t want to work for ― where results were the only thing that mattered and what I say goes. It was how I was raised inside Corporate America.
In those final weeks with my mother, there was a dramatic shift in me. I realized that we have to meet people, our employees, where they need to be met. By that I mean, illness strikes, childcare issues arise, and other life challenges are going to happen. Some would say that it’s incumbent on the organization to create an atmosphere that recognizes and accommodates each team member’s strengths ― and of course their weaknesses and challenges. But I’ve never met anyone with the name, “Organization” or “Company.” So I think it’s a cop-out to say the company is responsible. Rather, how we react to those challenges and enable our team members to be their best despite those obstacles lies squarely on the shoulders of the leader. It’s on the individual leader to build a “WE-oriented” environment where someone on their deathbed doesn’t feel compelled to answer emails or be on a phone call because they know they have the support of their peers and their leader.
There’s a story in my book, Begin With WE: 10 Principles for Building and Sustaining a Culture of Excellence, about a woman, Lori, who was dealing with some very significant family crises. Her husband was gravely ill. At the same time, her father was approaching the end of his journey as well. She led a team of approximately 10,000 people. I vividly recall when she shared everything she was dealing with. My brain immediately went back to my mother and her work environment making her feel, indirectly at least, that she needed to keep up with emails or phone calls. She’d done it for so long, it was the only way she knew how to operate — always 100 miles per hour. Work made my mother happy. However, instead of purpose, it was now a welcome distraction for her, allowing her to step away from the chemo or not look in the mirror at her deteriorating appearance.
As a leader of a large organization, I told myself, that I’d never promote or even allow that type of demanding environment within my organization. That doesn’t mean I don’t have high expectations of my teams — but there is a time and a place to “charge hard.” With the battles she and her family were facing, Lori was forced to miss a fair amount of work. But I had absolutely zero fear that our overall performance would struggle. Because we had created a culture where when one of us is hurting, we’re all hurting. This is team personified. Her team rallied around her and assumed her responsibilities without question, backlash, or ill will. When she came back, it was if as she had never left. I certainly can’t take all of the credit. Lori had built the same ethos among her team, leaving her incredibly secure in her role — even if others were now getting some of the spotlight. That’s courageous, WE-oriented leadership.
But I’m not naïve, it’s not always this black and white. In some environments, if someone is perceived as replaceable, well, that person becomes replaceable. And what a shame that is. There is more than enough spotlight to go around.
Harvard Business Review predicts that wellness will become the newest metric employers will use to analyze and to assess their employees’ mental, physical and financial health. How does your organization define wellness, and how does your organization measure wellness?
I think defining “organizational wellness” is impossible, especially in bigger organizations — because wellness for one person isn’t necessarily the same for the next. What motivates and inspires one member of the team might have no impact on another. And since the “organization” isn’t a living, breathing entity, it’s the organization’s leaders who must connect with team members to define what wellness means to them as an individual.
Begin With WE, is about building and sustaining a culture of excellence. But it’s impossible to deliver sustained excellence without wellness. The two words are interchangeable in this context.
And I think this is why The 10 WEs, my guiding principles, are so powerful. They establish a common framework and cultural currency of sorts — a currency that has the same value, whether used by the new intern or the most seasoned executive. No one is exempt!
The 10 WEs
Simply put, The 10 WEs govern how we treat each other and those we serve well. Because I’m convinced, if we look out for each other, lift each other up and hold each other to the same standards, a culture of wellness AND excellence ensues.
WE 1: WE Do the Right Thing. Always. The right thing isn’t always easy to determine and is usually not the easiest path, but it’s the only path to get people to rally behind you consistently and authentically.
WE 2: WE Lead by Example. Leading by example creates a standard by which the team, peers, and even the boss inherently measure themselves. Those in authority are constantly under a microscope, and others emulate their behavior. Leaders must ensure their behavior is worth replicating.
WE 3: WE Say What WE’re Going to Do. Then WE Do It. In any team environment, others are counting on team members to do what they say they’re going to do. Building trust of the team and client requires commitment and follow-through. We don’t let each other down.
WE 4: WE Take Action. Taking Action and Making a Mistake Is Okay. Being Idle Is Not. Risk and innovation are key to any organization’s success, which means the team must feel safe to explore new ideas. Only with that foundation of safety will the team take bold action. Mistakes will come from taking action to improve — and that’s okay. Nothing comes from sitting idle. As the saying goes, “See something, do something.”
WE 5: WE Own Our Mistakes. WE’re Not Judged by Our Mistakes. WE’re Judged by How Quickly WE Remedy Them. And If WE Repeat Them. If we expect team members to take action, we must also expect mistakes. Humans screw up — it’s a given, so accept it. We don’t accept hiding or covering them up. Mistakes are an opportunity to objectively improve. The key is to allow for mistakes, identify the correct path of remediation, and ensure the mistake occurs only once.
WE 6: WE Pick Each Other Up. The only way to ensure ownership of mistakes is to guarantee an environment of support. A team that is committed to picking each other up allows each person to feel safe to show up as their authentic self, risk boldly, engage fully, and feel connected to others on their team.
WE 7: WE Measure Ourselves by Outcomes. Not Activity. The biggest myth in Corporate America: a jam-packed calendar signifies importance and automatically equates to progress toward results. Endless meetings and other forms of bureaucratic activity only matter if we can clearly draw a line from the activity to an outcome. If an activity doesn’t conspicuously contribute to an outcome, it should be questioned.
WE 8: WE Challenge Each Other. Diplomatically. Nearly all progress is the result of overcoming one or more challenges. Everyone on the team has an obligation to diplomatically challenge the status quo and one another — including the leader. Challenges must be grounded in data or experience, not opinion.
WE 9: WE Embrace Challenge. Only by embracing challenge do we foster an environment where the team pushes one another to innovate and deliver improved outcomes. To deny a challenge is to deny an opportunity for improvement. A challenge grounded in data or experience is not personal and usually comes with the intent to drive improved outcomes.
WE 10: WE Obsess Over Details. Details Matter. A Lot. A finely tuned and well-crafted work product is indicative of the care we put into our work and how much we value our brand. Obsessing over details is synonymous with obsessing over our clients’ needs and wants. It’s the difference between average and excellent.
Today, it’s essential for an organization, specifically its leaders, to have the wellness and health of their team members front and center. Every interaction, whether a one-on-one conversation, team meeting, focus group, or town hall, should promote employee engagement, well-being and satisfaction. And the best way to foster this paradigm is to make sure everyone is on the same page as it relates to how we approach each other and our work. This is why aligning around a series of guiding principles is so critical.
Many years ago, in one of my staff meetings, I asked each of my direct reports, “What makes you happy? What is your purpose?” The responses were mostly non-work-related. At one point, one of the team members asked, “Why are we doing this, why are you asking this question? I said, “Because if I know what matters most to you outside the workplace, I know how to better interact with you in the workplace. If I know your grandchildren are the most important thing in your life and every other week they come to visit you on a Friday afternoon, then you need to leave the office on Friday by a certain time to be with them. That’s an important moment for you. It recharges you for Monday.”
Blanket wellness programs are a big step in creating an environment where a company places value on wellness. But a one-size-fits-all “campaign” can’t possibly recognize when Suzie needs a few hours a week to meet with her child’s counselor because the child has shown some behavioral issues recently. But Suzie’s leader can, and should, recognize and try to accommodate.
And believe it or not, there’s an absolutely foolproof way to recognize the team members’ needs and measure wellness: just ask.
Asking team members in a group setting is one way to do it, but one-on-one interactions work best.
The old leadership playbook called upon bosses to issue warnings, disciplinary action, or even termination when someone’s performance declined. But the authentic leader uses the more empathetic and human approach and first asks why the performance is slipping. Ask the question and be open to hearing and understanding the situation. Active listening involves empathy and thoughtfulness to identify the problem and help mitigate what’s driving a performance slide. Approaching each team member this way communicates that you’re invested in them, not only their work, and that you care about their wellness.
Based on your experience or research, how do you correlate and quantify the impact of a well-functioning workforce on your organization’s productivity and profitability?
Employee surveys with very direct questions are a great tool to identify and solve problems. Questions like, “Do I work in an environment that promotes wellness for me and my family?” or “Do I work in an environment that allows me to be my best without fear of retribution for a mistake?” When you ask very simple questions, the survey results can help you measure the temperature or gauge the sentiments of the team. And in turn, you can create programs or campaigns to address wellness opportunities.
Just be careful, you have to go beyond “checking the box” of conducting a survey. You must take action on the results. Otherwise, you lose credibility with team members.
At the end of the day, leaders have the responsibility to ask and understand their individual team member’s needs, which sets an example and creates momentum for other teams within the organization to follow.
Even though most leaders have good intentions when it comes to employee wellness, programs that require funding are beholden to business cases like any other initiative. The World Health Organization estimates for every $1 invested into treatment for common mental health disorders, there is a return of $4 in improved health and productivity. That sounds like a great ROI. And, yet many employers struggle to fund wellness programs that seem to come “at the cost of the business.” What advice do you have to offer to other organizations and leaders who feel stuck between intention and impact?
The answer is simple ― start small. There’s a notion that “management” or “leadership” have all the answers and that management or leadership will launch a wellness campaign, and everything is going to be great tomorrow. But clearly, it isn’t that simple.
Waiting for management or leadership removes a leader’s obligation to create an environment that emphasizes wellness within the team. As a leader, you can go to your boss and say, “Hey Alan, my team is struggling with X, Y and Z as it relates to wellness. Can you help me get the resources to implement some changes?” Sometimes the boss will be on board, sometimes they won’t. But not pursuing is borderline criminal.
So by starting small with one-on-one interactions, a leader can ask questions of their team related to performance, satisfaction, or wellness in a safe, open, objective conversation. Learn what you can do as a leader to promote a healthier, more collaborative, problem-solving environment. As a leader, you can ask yourself, “Am I living The 10 WEs, and what can I do better? And what can I do to help team members more effectively live these principles?”
I’m not minimizing the impact of corporate-wide programs. There’s no doubt that the top-down approach has some impact, but I think waiting for that macro plan is just lazy. Any leader at any level of an organization can create a culture of wellness.
Speaking of money matters, a recent Gallup study reveals employees of all generations rank well-being as one of their top three employer search criteria. How are you incorporating wellness programs into your talent recruitment and hiring processes?
This might be a surprise, but I think formally incorporating wellness programs into the recruitment and hiring process may be unwise, especially in larger organizations where the recruiting and hiring engine is separate and distinct from operations. In other words, if the HR and recruiting engine is evangelizing the importance of wellness in the organization, but the functional areas inside the company aren’t actually living that ethos, we’ve misled the candidate and it’s only a matter of time before they realize they were sold something that isn’t real, and leave the company. Again, this is why it’s critical for the entire organization to align itself around fundamental principles, like The 10 WEs. On both a corporate and individual level, we must be honest about our opportunities to improve. Authenticity is critical. Otherwise, your brand is compromised.
During the interview process, it’s better to ask candidates about what’s important to them, how they define wellness, and what they value for work-life balance. Then it’s the responsibility of the recruiter or hiring manager to be transparent about whether or not the current culture will allow the candidate to soar or otherwise.
Give me an example of where you felt like your previous employer practiced the healthy work-life balance with a focus on wellness, and how did that work for you? Give us examples of how these things matter to you and how that results in you being a higher-performing, better employee?
At the outset, you need to understand each team member’s needs and motivations. For some, it may be making a positive difference in the world. Others are motivated by recognition, promotions, and salary increases. While others might only focus on flexible work schedules, casual work attire, or recreational perks, like ping-pong tables or happy hours.
Wellness needs to be better defined industry-wide and within individual companies depending on its mission, values, culture, and leadership styles. A leader’s work ethic, performance standards, personality, emotional intelligence, and demeanor set the example, tone, and framework for a company’s culture. Developing a wellness culture goes beyond employee newsletters, tips, and ice cream socials.
That’s why The 10 WEs are so critical now in providing a roadmap for leading the next generation of leaders, especially given the disruptions that we’ve all faced over the last several years with remote working and virtual settings.
There were many times in my career when I led a large team despite a toxic corporate environment. Just because you’re inside a toxic organization, it doesn’t mean you have to lead a toxic team. In fact, you can be the North Star or shining light of that organization. Leading this way, despite what the macro organization is doing, creates followership and is contagious.
We’ve all heard of the four-day work week, unlimited PTO, mental health days, and on-demand mental health services. What innovative new programs and pilots are you launching to address employee wellness? And what are you discovering? We would benefit from an example in each of these areas:
It’s not a coincidence that my approach to building a culture of excellence or cultural wellness starts with WE. If it starts with me, it’s a top-down approach that is unproductive and creates a “leadership gap.” For example, if I say this, you must do this. If I behave in this way, you must behave in this way, the dynamic creates a gap between the leader and the team member.
So the opposite approach is to begin with WE. What do individuals and teams need to be at their best, personally and professionally? Some of these wellness needs stand on their own, and some of them have a more macro, large-scale requirement to be successful and have an impact.
- Mental wellness aligns with physical wellness. Does the work environment and schedule include realistic deadlines? Are decisions made in concert with the team? Are the individual employee insights and knowledge being heard and considered when the leader makes decisions or pursues strategy X, Y or Z?
Mental wellness includes being authentic to who you are and secure in a healthy work environment that respects and inspires everyone to be at their best. We need to embrace the differences, unique talents, and viewpoints of individuals to help them thrive, instead of trying to bring everyone down to a robotic level of performance, which leads to mediocrity. It is a leader’s responsibility to create an inspiring work environment and culture that promotes excellence.
Too often, there is fear in the workplace. Instead, we should be building people up and boosting their self-confidence. One of the 10 WEs is that we challenge each other. As odd as this may sound, an environment that embraces and obligates leaders to challenge themselves and one another does create mental wellness because it allows everyone’s ideas to be heard.
There’s a sense of satisfaction derived from creating or birthing an idea that changed the trajectory of a company, which is why mental wellness is critical. But again it goes back to the leader’s obligation to create an environment that allows people to be their authentic selves without fear.
2. Emotional wellness. Do employees know that someone cares; do they know their leader and team members got their back? In my book, there is a story about Robert, a Vietnam veteran, who was on my team. We needed to understand what was driving his slip in performance. With empathy and kindness, I talked candidly with him about what was happening outside of the office that affected his performance and what we could do to help him.
As a leader, people need to know that you care about and appreciate them. Appreciation ― it’s so simple and true. It doesn’t mean you’re best friends with everyone but that you recognize and appreciate their contributions. When you start saying “I appreciate you” regularly, you will see members of your team saying that to other people. That sentiment percolates throughout the organization. It’s powerful.
3. Social wellness is about the communities in which we operate ― at work, at home, and where we live. Does the company take an interest in what matters to that employee? Do we provide opportunities for team members to participate in community events or charitable initiatives? Creating clarity and direction in an integrated way about how we want to give back to our communities as individuals and organizations can go a long way in helping people thrive.
4. Physical wellness. According to The Institute for Health and Productivity Studies, Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, physical activity plays an important role in employees’ health, well-being, and quality of life: healthier employees are more productive, require less sick leave, and have lower healthcare costs. I used to work with a woman, Delta, who took conference calls from her treadmill. I thought it was fantastic ― it was her outlet. As leaders, we need to encourage and promote physical wellness. That can mean encouraging “walking” meetings or educating and supporting people to incorporate exercise into their schedules for physical wellness.
5. Financial wellness. As noted in Begin With WE, if you’re focused on financial difficulties, it’s doubtful that you’ll be at your best in the workplace. Regarding compensation, everyone will argue over what fair pay is, but according to a recent Gallup study, better pay and well-being are key motivating factors for employees seeking new jobs.
My recent video defines five things you can do right now to jumpstart your company’s cultural transformation for improved wellness: https://youtu.be/SViSSA0Fli4.
Can you please tell us more about a couple of specific ways that workplaces would benefit from investing in your ideas above to improve employee wellness?
It’s all about The 10 WEs. I’ve seen it work. When you’re more focused on those around you and genuinely live these principles, you see dramatic improvements in both performance and wellness.
We need to focus on emotional, social, mental, physical, and financial wellness in an integrated way. As a leader, you must create an environment that allows people to be their authentic selves without fear and function on a level playing field without the leadership gap.
How are you reskilling leaders in your organization to support a “Work Well” culture?
There’s no substitution for conspicuously stating and then aligning around the principles that fuel the organization. So whether leading large organizations, speaking at events, or providing executive leadership coaching, I always emphasize the importance of a WE-oriented culture.
When I lay out The 10 WEs and say this is how we’re going to operate, you’re either on board or not. If anyone comes back and says they don’t want to do the right thing, lead by example, take action, and embrace challenge, for example, they’re not the right fit for the team.
And when a team member isn’t well or isn’t performing to their potential, you’ve got to lead by example, demonstrating the WE paradigm, and pick them up.
All leaders have the responsibility to empower, motivate, and inspire those in their sphere. No one does it alone. If they could, we wouldn’t even need teams.
My urging: don’t wait for the organization to create something. You can and should promote wellness within your team. It doesn’t have to be a grandiose, formal initiative. Your message must be simple, clear, concise, honest, and relevant to the business outcomes and the satisfaction that comes from being a part of a well-functioning team.
Ideas take time to implement. What is one small step every individual, team, or organization can take to get started on these ideas — to get well?
Again, it has to start small. The conclusion of Begin With WE references a cultural transformation or a wellness transformation analogy. Cultural transformations are like a battleship. Battleships are very effective, but they don’t change direction very fast. They take a lot of coordination to make the slightest course change.
So, like changing the direction of the ship, you have to be deliberate in your communication and direction to make sure everyone is aligned with the shift. Now, I concede, that everyone may not agree with the course you’re taking, but there is no ambiguity about the path. Just saying ‘we are creating a culture of “wellness,” without a real plan or a roadmap, is meaningless. You must act on it.
We must overtly state and act on our principles, how we’re going to operate, treat each other, and serve our customers. We take care of each other, look out for each other, and thereby do well by the customer. That’s the small directional shift that is being evangelized. It’s important to say it. But essential to do it. Otherwise, if you walk in one morning and say, “we are a culture of wellness and we care” you’ll be met with skepticism ― because it’s not authentic.
When well executed, The 10 WEs is the framework to guide organizations to build and sustain wellness and excellence.
What are your “Top 5 Trends To Track In the Future of Workplace Wellness?”
Some prerequisites will help prepare organizations for a culture of wellness.
- Mental healthcare benefits. The mental healthcare parity has been a topic for at least 10 years. According to the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA), one in four Americans has a mental or substance use disorder. Previously, and to some extent still today, mental health benefits were not discussed. If you were struggling with mental health issues, it came out of your pocket; whereas if you hurt your knee, you’re covered. And that has changed now. Mental health care in benefits packages are critical because they do two things: They allow the employee to get the help and care they need, but they also send the message that companies do care about your wellness.
- Telehealth has become more prevalent. Like everything discussed previously, meeting the employee at their level, understanding what is important to them, and enabling them to live and operate with those priorities in mind. For example, telehealth provides greater convenience, allowing people to avoid drive time to visit a physician, miss several hours outside of work, or reschedule childcare. It’s so much easier to FaceTime or Skype to meet the physician for immediate care and get a prescription through an online or mail-order pharmacy and not have to disrupt daily schedules. Telehealth is important for making employees’ lives more convenient. If we expect people to be well and give their best, we must enable opportunities to handle life experiences without additional stress.
- Family Wellness. In one of my roles, I met with Arianna Huffington who created a company called Thrive. It’s an app that reminds you to breathe, be purposeful, meditate, journal, exercise, or take breaks throughout the day at scheduled times. It’s important to be cognizant of team members’ ability to manage stress with purposeful strategies and tactics. Stress management is part of family wellness, especially as it relates to childcare expenses. This may include childcare stipends, flexible work schedules that allow parents to transport children from daycare, or remote working while caring for their children or aging parents. Family wellness is a huge trend to look out for and it may be even the number-one trend.
- Prioritizing values and what matters most. During the pandemic and even now, some people are leaving high-paying, high-powered jobs because they realized their family was what mattered most, and they found new jobs that allowed them to have both, family and career, and they’re much happier. Early in the pandemic, I personally did a similar reset. I was burned out of Corporate America. That was very difficult for me. But I channeled the burnout into what I think is my life’s purpose: to rid Corporate America of its toxic ways and create authentic and empathetic leaders. So I put pen to paper and took a year to write Begin With WE.
- Financial wellness. According to a 2022 PwC Employees Financial Wellness Survey, personal financial issues impact employees physically, emotionally, mentally and socially. In the study, two out of five full-time employees said their top financial pressure is that everything costs more these days. Only four out of ten respondents said their compensation is keeping up with the rising cost of living expenses. And financially stressed employees are twice as likely to look elsewhere for a new job.
In addition to providing 401(k) plans, companies can offer resources on how to be more financially literate and manage short- and long-term financial needs.
What is your greatest source of optimism about the future of workplace wellness?
My optimism is a product of an environment that was once filled with toxic skepticism and apathy that was turned around because people believed in The 10 WEs. Team members knew their leaders cared. They ascended to great heights as part of a team that cared for each other and had each other’s back to build and sustain a culture of excellence and wellness.
Again, wellness and excellence are interchangeable. We’ve seen people excel and thrive in a way that they didn’t know they could. The 10 WEs unlocked a sense of fulfillment for people ― driving greater satisfaction in their work and personal lives.
In the process, people can actually have fun, make an impact, and find passion and purpose in their work.
My optimism was recently bolstered when I had the opportunity to speak to approximately 70 leaders at the firm where I first introduced The 10 WEs more than five years ago. The company had me back to do a refresher and discuss the connection of my principles to their “core values.” While I was there, I was fortunate enough to take part in the WE Awards ― a biannual event where individuals are recognized for living the WEs. I left that company several years ago, yet they are still thriving with, and arguably because of, The 10 WEs.
Our readers often like to continue the conversation with our featured interviewees. How can they best connect with you and stay current on what you’re discovering?
Thank you for sharing your insights and predictions. We appreciate the gift of your time and wish you continued success and wellness.