Lance Thonvold is  an advocate of “surrendering for more” and the founder of the More Life Movement; a brand that advocates for pursuing God’s purpose above our own desires.

In this article, we will learn the values and principles that Lance has applied in his life to help him overcome anxiety and achieve success as an individual. 

Avoiding Stress And Burnout

Stress is necessary on the way to achieving greatness especially when high stakes and revolutionary changes are at stake. When Lance experiences a stressful situation, he focuses on his breathing.

He takes a step back from whatever he’s doing, closes his eyes and focuses on his breathing for a couple of seconds. Right after this, he would get reinvigorated and remember that the world is still within control. 

Taking that deep breath and focusing on the solution to the problem or task will help greatly. With the right amount of focus and dedication, anything can be brought within reach.  


Avoiding burnout can be extremely difficult, but as earlier mentioned by Lance, keeping his purpose at the forefront of his mind at all times helps. It breeds consistency and raises enthusiasm towards the achievement of long-term goals. 

When people set goals, they allow undue pressure on themselves, do too much, lose sight of their goals and burnout, however, mapping out your recipe for success and how you intend to replicate this success keeps you going even on your most difficult days especially if you have a strong reason for accomplishing your goals. Reasons will carry you far beyond what you believe you are capable of. If your reason for obtaining a goal is to create a better future for your children and you attach your goal to that, you will be far more likely to obtain the goal. 

Seeking Growth?

For individuals who truly want to achieve growth in whatever area of their lives they choose, it involves getting around the right people as much as possible, especially in today’s world where those you desire to emulate can be found on all existing online platforms. 

Whenever Lance is on a quest to become the authority on something, he goes directly to the source; tries to figure out the recipe for success and replicates it. Think back to one of your best meals or baking treats and you’ll realize that it was made possible by your strict adherence to its recipe. 

This principle also applies to growing as an individual. Take the recipe from people on excellence, apply it consistently and watch success come your way.  

Overcoming Life’s Challenges 

At the start of his journey, Founder of the More Life Movement Lance Thonvold faced a lot of obstacles. 

Coming up with the vision behind the movement was the easy part, however, making this vision a reality was where the challenge stood. 

Lance also shares that he was bull-headed most times and often tried to figure things out on his own. Other times, he would get frustrated, not even wanting to finish what he began. 

However, Once Lance started to embrace the concept of more life and truly be his own best brand advocate, things got a lot easier. 

“More life is about surrendering for more, ultimately giving up your life to Jesus so you can access eternal life in heaven. On the realization that the concept had worldly implications, things started to come together. ” – Lance Shares.

Lance began to truly surrender for more in his everyday life. He also discerned that God places people on earth with different abilities and these gifts should be used to achieve a greater purpose. 

This realization made him seek the aid of various individuals and one of them was veteran entrepreneur Austin Varley, who used his abilities to help bring the More Life Movement to a reality   

Achieving Success

Achieving success is easier said than done and more often than not, it takes a lot longer than envisioned. Certain principles in life have helped Lance achieve success in various ways; to play professional baseball, start his podcast and earn residual income. 

In order to do great exploits, times of discomfort will occur too frequently. For people out there who engage in sporting activities of any kind, and at any level, you weren’t as good in the first try but with consistent training and the right guidance, improvement came and eventually excellence. 

Lance implores you to apply this same principle to your endeavors, forget the bad experiences, embrace lessons, learn, grow every day and in due time, excellence and good success will be attained.

If you never take the bull by the horns and get to work, you’ll never get to the heights you hope to reach. Lace-up the cleats and get in the game especially if it’s something worth going for. This would prevent future regrets that could arise from not fully exploring God’s gifts in your life.