One of the things about decision making is   – “It is an ability to examine the “Depth of the decision” that you want to take by not trusting it just at the “surface level” by learning how to say “NO” boldly to what is not true”. To reach a level to say “No” boldly requires clarity in thought, ability to distinguish what is right and wrong in thought process, it needs an ability to experience the end result even before achieving it. 

 “The ability to say “NO” was arguably Steve Jobs greatest skill”.
He practiced Meditation. What about you?. Saying ‘No’ to unwanted things is critical for personal growth. 

 Meditation teaches you how to make right decisions with clarity in thoughts. Our thoughts are constantly getting modified with many other external factors. We must follow a cleaning process to experience a healthy thinking to recognize positive thinking patterns and to ignore negative patterns. 

 Meditation shows the truth near to your mind by teaching you how NOT TO trust your thoughts at SURFACE level but to the root level by examining the thoughts. Mind processes all this within no time and helps you to take smart decisions. Once your mind starts recognizing truth then it will start saying “NO” BOLDLY to anyone or to anything which is not true and which is a blocker to achieve our goals. 

Practice Meditation and start taking positive decisions.


  • Krishna Kishore

    meditation practitioner

    Meditation, Psychic reading ( Trained by Debra Lynn Katz from International School of Clairvoyance),Quantum physics and spirituality, Philosophy, Ayurveda and Nature Healing are some of my deepest interests. I read books that touch variety of subjects. I am a continuous learner and thinker. Meditation practice helped me to understand my life situation better and I came out of many issues. I thought there are many around me who are in the same situation, hence, I started sharing benefits of meditation with very simple examples to make everyone in the world understand the importance of doing Meditation. By profession I am into Talent Acquisition, I am a recruiter. Currently working with a company called Postman in Bangalore, India. In past I worked with Indeed,Inc, Google, Yahoo! R&D ,and Walmart as a recruiter. I am married and blessed with a cute little angel.