It is estimated that only in the last week one in six people suffered some kind of problem-related to mental health. Yes, also someone you know, a co-worker or even yourself …The problems related to mental health are not only taboo, but they are negative forces that can paralyze us. There are different degrees and types, from severe depression to a mild anxiety disorder. And there is no magic remedy that heals everything. There are methods that can help us fight stress and anxiety. Shayan Qadir, a coach who works for the Sanctus company, gives us 11 tips that will allow us to strengthen our mental health.
1. Find your flow
“ Flow is a state that is reached when you merge your mind and body. Sometimes we are so immersed in our routine that we lose consciousness of ourselves. There are a lot of activities that can help us find the flow, for example, running, meditating, art or even writing on the computer. Once you find your flow it is as if time stands still and problems disappear. ”
2. How important will this be in the future?
“When you’re stressed by something, it’s easy for trees not to let you see the forest. Ask yourself the following question: ‘Will this matter in a week, in a month, in a year?’ Maybe the problem is not as serious as you thought. Having a little perspective always helps to judge situations more clearly. ”
3. Enjoy nature
“The Japanese have a concept that could be translated as ‘taking a bath in the forest’. What it means to enjoy nature so that the body regains its natural balance. Stress, anxiety, the big city, is looking at the phone without stopping … all this favors that we are tense. There is nothing better than decompressing in the midst of nature. ”
4. Control your breathing
“One of the best ways to relax is to focus on our breathing. Take a deep breath and try to focus on the whole process. This allows you to regain calm and avoid panic attacks. Bad breath, shrugged shoulders and feeling that we have a tense body can lead us to suffer an anxiety attack. ”
5. Name your critic
“Most people think we have an inner voice. But in reality, the normal thing is to have two different voices. The next time the ‘critical’ voice tells you that you are not doing well, be aware that it is not a monologue but a conversation. Give your critical voice a name and a personality. This will help you to be clear that it is only a thought that you can refute. ”
6. Move the butt
“Stretching or just walking can have a very positive impact on mental health. Our biology is that of hunters and gatherers, every day humans had to go out in search of food. If we are sitting in front of a computer all the time, the only thing we are going to use is the head but we will be disconnected from the rest of the body. Get used to getting up from time to time to move a little. ”
7. Connect with others
“Many people have prejudices about this issue and do not talk with family or friends about mental health issues. It is useless to say that you are very well if then it is not true. Although it may not seem like it, maintaining a very positive attitude all the time has a negative side. For example, if you have lost a loved one you will have to express that pain. It is important to be able to feel a wide range of emotions. Sometimes you just have to accept the moments of sadness. ”
8. Help others
“Sometimes helping others allows you to see your own situation more clearly. You will also secrete some endorphins that will make you feel good. It can be something as simple as asking the people in your circle if they need any help. Maybe something that is very easy for you can be very complicated for someone else. You won’t know until you ask. This will help you connect with others. ”
9. Be creative
“Do some creative activity that allows you to connect both sides of your brain. As we get older we forget to play. Art, music, singing, dancing, cooking … Never stop developing your creativity. Bring out what you carry inside. ”
10. Follow a bedtime routine
“Not having a bedtime routine favors the onset of stress and anxiety. Get used to going to bed and getting up at the same time, especially from Monday to Friday. Disconnecting all electronic devices one hour before bed reduces stress levels. Another good routine is to read or meditate before turning off the light. ”
11. Be grateful
“Finally, thank you for all the little things that are going well. Sometimes the negative does not let us see everything positive that surrounds us. Don’t be obsessed with problems alone. We often forget how lucky we are until we lose what we took for granted. Ask yourself: Why do I have to be grateful? You may realize that there are many more things than you thought. ”