Mobile phones are a daily necessity of our lives, and yet not many of us know what goes behind the telecom trade in India. Well, this article introduces you to the star behind those curtains, Mr. Essa Ismail Merchant, a legendary personality that is responsible for the trade of major mobile phone names in India and many of its borders. Here’s a small brief that explains the gratitude of his impact in the telecommunications industry.
To begin with, Mr. Essa Ismail Merchant is the most calculating minds in the business, and he entered into this field approximately 25 years ago with the launch of pager phones. He distinguished himself from his competitors by creating one of the fastest delivery models that guaranteed last mile delivery in a matter of minutes – this plan of action was an instant hit and he soon began to join hands with some of the biggest powerhouses in the world.
Failure is inherent in business and entrepreneurship. In fact, many entrepreneurs consider failure to be a natural stepping stone to success. They celebrate failure because they’ve learned firsthand that our mistakes are our greatest sources of learning says, Merchant. Failure can be a learning experience as long as you know how to deal with it. When a business owner fails, it might be due to several different factors. Determining what those factors are and learning how to avoid them in the future is the most effective way of learning from one’s failures.
Mark Zuckerberg once advised, “don’t even bother trying to avoid mistakes because you’re going to make tons of mistakes.” He said the most important thing is, “learning quickly from whatever mistakes you make and not giving up…you bounce back and you learn. Nothing is impossible, you just have to keep running through the walls.”
For entrepreneurs, the key to success is how quickly we convert failure into education and, ultimately, into lasting changes in behavior. Failing the right way, on the other hand, can be good for business. It starts with accountability, not spin, and soul searching, not finger pointing. What went wrong? What can we salvage? Is there an upside? How can we prevent the same thing from happening again? When companies have a culture where it’s OK to acknowledge failure and ask these questions, everyone benefits he says.
When you’re doing well in life, it feels like nothing can stop you. There are no words that can properly pin down feeling like you’re on top of the world. However, when failure hits, it hurts. Sometimes it hurts so bad that you think you’ll never be successful again. Staying humble helps curb the dramatic feeling of loss and failure. While you’re flying high on the feelings of success, never forget that you’re human, and treat everyone with the same humility and respect that you expect in return. Failing is part of growing. As you pursue entrepreneurship always keep in mind that chances are if you don’t study and learn, the business will fail. Take time to organize your thoughts, realize what you did wrong and embrace change. Anyone can succeed, but it all comes down to how badly you really want it he quoted.