Imagine how different your life would be if you felt more confident and secure in the direction you are going. Fears would be only a faint memory of days gone by. You would know without a doubt that you could achieve whatever you set your mind to and nothing could hold you back. You would live the life you’ve always desired!
As you move forward in life people you have known for a long time will begin to wonder what is going on and why you are acting so differently. The saying goes “someone somewhere is discussing the OLD you because they can’t gain access to the NEW you”. You will have that effect on people. You are still the same but better, stronger, wiser, and humble.
Self-confidence is perhaps the most important quality that sets successful people apart from others. As you grow in your personal development confidence and other characteristics will help you every step of the way. Think of every person you know who has achieved a measure of success. Can you find even one who doesn’t exhibit quality characteristics like confidence, consistency, and gratitude?
The good news is that you, too, can learn these skills and gain the confidence to propel you to success in any endeavor! Wouldn’t you love to have more success? Of course! But the reality is it won’t come to you on its own accord; you must seek it out. Here are 5 suggestions to help you grow your confidence and success to a new level!
Consistency is key– Personal growth will not happen overnight. It is a lifelong effort that will yield awesome results. Growth is slowly and deliberately. Consistency means to engage without distraction and commit yourself to a sustained effort of action over the long-term. It could be said that those who achieve high levels of success are simply intelligent, ambitious, persistent or luckier than the others. However, there is just one ingredient that goes into success that is more important than anything else and that ingredient comes in the form of consistency.
Create a strong routine – “We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit – Aristotle”. Your habits play a major impact on the life you create. You must put in place daily habits that will allow you to change in the way you desire. Establishing a positive daily routine is both a self-investment and a way to start your day at the best before you go out into the world. Additional benefits of a routine, are structure, building forward-moving habits, and creating momentum that will carry you on the days when things are not so great.
Reflect at the end of the day – Self-development comes by constantly being aware of what you need to improve and celebrating your success. The only way to know what needs to be improved is by evaluating yourself at the end of each day. If you don’t reflect on your mistakes, you’re doomed to repeat them. And that’s not very smart. However, if you reflect on those mistakes, figure out what went wrong, see how you can prevent them in the future, you can use your mistakes to get better. Mistakes, then, are a valuable learning tool, instead of something to feel embarrassed or upset about. Reflection is an important way to do that.
Giving Thanks – The positive psychology research, studied gratitude and found it’s strongly and consistently associated with greater happiness. Gratitude helps people feel more positive emotions, relish good experiences, improve their health, deal with adversity, and build strong relationships. I personally give thanks every day through a gratitude journal. Where I write down the top 4 things, I am grateful for today! This practice has kept me focusing on what is good in my life which makes each day better.
Find Role models you can look up to – Self-development is not easy but looking to others who inspire and motivate you will help you continue moving forward in your journey. It’s good to be able to relate to someone who has been where you are and is able to move past their circumstance and create the life they desire.
Personally, I have been on a self-development journey and have discovered some value characteristics about myself. It is a journey I would not trade for the world. I have discovered I am strong, confident, and dedicated as I build my business and life with more freedom and flexibility.