With the current pandemic outbreak, going outside now became the least okay idea to do, as the World Health Organization had advised everyone to stay at home, to avoid catching the deadly novel coronavirus. Even businesses with office-based setting had shifted to remote work to protect their employees. With cities on lockdown, and recreational places closed until further notice, the world suddenly felt still.

For introverts, the lockdown doesn’t really bother us, as with all honesty, if we’re given a choice even without this pandemic – we’d rather stay at home. We’re experts in staying at home or being alone for a long time. However, for extroverts, the sudden need to stay at home seems okay in the first few days, until it starts feeling like a nightmare.

If you’re an extrovert, you may have found yourself sluggish or tired, and unmotivated recently. This is because as extroverts, you recharge through human interaction or socialization. It is the opposite for introverts, as we recharge with our alone time. These times may feel really tough for you, especially since you will be stuck in a routine, in a single location for god knows how long. Now, this feeling may come as a challenge especially if you are working from home. But don’t fret, us introverts have a few tips below to help you get through the days on self-quarantine.

Opt for video chats for work meetings

Now, since you are working alone at home–not seeing too many faces other than your own and perhaps that of your partner or roommate–may contribute to the feeling of aloneness, which may lead to long periods of sadness. What you can do is opt for video chats when it comes to speaking with your colleagues. Not only do you get an instant response, but it will also help alleviate the feeling of being alone, as conversations would feel more personal than having to just keep sending and receiving emails.

Communicate with your family and circle of friends daily

As hangout places or recreational locations such as malls, parks, and pubs are closed, you may somehow feel like you are slowly losing connection with people. So, take some free time to communicate with your loved ones or circle of friends. You can also communicate with them in a video chat. Some people on social media even suggest having an online dinner date or drinks together with friends or family. Remember, you don’t have to be alone doing things just because no one is physically there. Take advantage of the technology we have.

Follow your usual routine

Battle the lethargy by following your usual routine with a few changes. Wake up at the same time you would if it’s a workday. Use the time you’re usually using in commuting for a bit of sun, even if your only option might be sitting on the balcony for an hour or so. Spending some time under the warmth of the sun is not only healthy for your body, but also for your mind. After this, you can proceed with doing your work tasks for the day.

Work on a project

Having a different project to work on aside from your job or house chores, helps enhance your mood, and how your brain works. Doing creative tasks eases the mind from stress. Try picking up a new hobby that doesn’t require you to go outside, like painting, or blogging. You can blog about what you think of the movies you watch on the weekends or a recipe you’ve tried. Or you can volunteer for causes such as online support groups.

Being alone in quarantine doesn’t need to feel like it’s the end of the world. There are so many possibilities within the four walls of your house and with the technology that we have. All you need to do is take advantage of the time and resources you have and be creative.