Plain and simple, he is one of the smartest, most dedicated, and hardest working people I have ever known – even at the age of 84 and in semi-retirement.
A rock-solid work ethic is one of the most admirable characteristics a person can possess – and one that my dad embodies completely. Plain and simple, he is one of the smartest, most dedicated, and hardest working people I have ever known – even at the age of 84 and in semi-retirement.
In his career as a mechanical engineer, my dad gave his all to every project, job and customer he encountered. He left nothing on the table. In my late teens, he hired me to answer phones for him for a couple of summers and I was able to watch him, and observe his level of dedication and professionalism, up close and personal. My dad taught me that action and follow-through an essential parts of every successful manifestation.
Many students and practitioners of the universal Law of Attraction take an imbalanced approach to deliberate manifestation. While they understand that their heartfelt desires are meant to unfold spontaneously and effortlessly, they often forget that creation is a partnership between the non-physical and the physical; between spirit and matter.
Our physical, human selves are in a perpetual, co-creative partnership with the Divine, and this means we have a vital role to play in every act of creation. We have to be available and willing to take action, to follow through on inspired impulses, and to do our part in the creation of our desires. My dad’s motto of “do it now,” instilled this understanding within me early on, and has been a guiding light in both my career and personal life. The willingness to show up, to apply intention and energy toward any outcome I desire, and to act when inspiration strikes rather than procrastinate, are characteristics that have contributed tremendously to my success, and for which I am eternally grateful to my dad for modeling.