A Lesson Learned?

We are at a crucial time. Humans on this earth are being taken from us due to the Covid-19 virus. They are not allowed to meet with each other physically. They are dying with no relation near. Most funerals can’t be done and those that can occur are only allowed 4 people (including the cemetery workers). It seems that life sucks now.

Life doesn’t suck, it’s a blessing.

The Covid-19 virus was sent to us so we can become aware of how much we miss spending time with our immediate family – kids and spouse. We are learning to help each other. We are missing those that we can’t be with.

Are we learning anything?

Perhaps we’re realizing how fragile life is. Or, how much people mean to us. Yes, we can virtually talk with friends and family, but it’s not the same. We can’t hug or kiss them. We need to walk outside with a mask on. If you’re going to a store we should wear gloves! We need to learn to wash our hands often and try to keep your hands away from your face.

Think about this.

Could this virus have come to us to teach us that all the things we’re missing we need to hold as precious? We need to not take life for granted. Be thankful for the little things (as well as the big things). Maybe the virus has caused us to stop and smell the roses. Are we helping each other more? I hope so. Are we telling people that we love them?

Can we connect?

We need to realize now that we can connect without being physically with them. We can connect by thoughts from the heart. Think about them with love. After a while you’ll begin to feel them in your heart. If we all do this believe it or not, we’ll all connect with each other all over the world! We can do it. I do it and it’s such a wonderful feeling.


Everything on this earth, including the earth were all created for a reason. In fact Nature is also known as and translated to God. We can’t keep polluting the air and the water – we’re just killing ourselves. We can’t keep killing the fauna. They lived on a lot of this earth that we are taking over. Then when they show up in our backyard, we shoot them or have them taken to a place with no houses – and those places are becoming rarer. Live and let live.

What can we do?

Treat others and nature with the love they deserve. Remember if you love others, they will in turn love you. Help your friends, family and nature in any way you can. When this virus has run its course we should remember what it has done to us. Illness and death. But also to value others and nature. If we don’t learn this more things can come to try to teach us. Another pandemic. Another holocaust. Earthquakes. Volcanic eruptions. We’ll keep getting these eye openers until we learn our lesson.

Linda Wooddell RN, BSN