Interview with Frank Holmes, CEO & CIO US Global Investors
Q1 What is the most valuable career advice you can give to people just starting out?
- Always stay curious to learn and improve. Be sure to read a lot and network with other like-minded individuals and high achievers.
Q2 What is the biggest challenge facing leaders today?
- One of the biggest challenges is innovation that comes in and has the potential to “Uber-ize” your business model. That’s why I mentioned the importance of being curious to learn and improve, and always remaining aware of how your industry is evolving. Excessive regulations are also a challenge – they stagnate and strangulate growth.
Q3 How do you ensure your organization and its activities are aligned with your “core values”?
- When you observe someone following the company’s core values, use them as an example for others to follow.
Q4Where do the great ideas come from in your organization? Do you encourage junior members to be creative and share business ideas with senior management?
- I’ve witnessed many great ideas come from the young members of an organization. These individuals have high activity, curious mindsets and are incredibly ambitious.
Q5Can you name a person who has had a tremendous impact on you as a leader? Maybe someone who has been a mentor to you? Why and how did this person impact your life?
- Gene McBurney has had a big impact on me as a leader. He was my lawyer and has been very successful in the investment business.
Q6 Tell me about a time you struggled with work-life balance. How did you solve the problem?
- There is no “perfect solution” to work-life balance; however, I have found that self-awareness, mindfulness and gratitude are key.
Q7 Have you made unpopular decisions like firing employees and reducing compensation levels? What do you do to keep employee motivation enact after such actions?
- In difficult situations I like to remind employees of our core values and well articulate goals moving forward.
Q8As leaders do you create work environments that are more competitive or collaborative in nature?
- Our work environment is collaborative, yet we always remain aware of external competitors.
Q9 How do you get buy in from senior management and board on your business ideas?
- I always come back to the company values and explain how these tie in with our goals and strategies.
Q10 How to increase employee productivity? Do you invest in their wellbeing?
- I do strive to invest in employee well-being; this includes things like healthcare benefits, educational opportunities, compensation for remaining curious to learn, and encouraging the attendance of conferences and industry events.