No matter what you are going through this holiday season, and no matter where you fall on the spectrum of stress and ease, setting intentions can be a powerful practice.
Join me in setting intentions for a peaceful, joyful, and loving holiday season!
It’s mid-November, and Thanksgiving is almost here! The end of the semester is quickly descending upon our tweens and teens, and winter holidays and the New Year are just around the corner.
This time of year can bring up a great deal of stress, overwhelm, overcommitment, and exhaustion. Yet, it can also be a time of deep connection, presence, love, and joy.
While talking with a client last week, she shared that this time of year is typically a race to the finish line for her. She described that there’s a constant need to DO, and that being able to relax into the present moment feels challenging, and often inaccessible. This mother rattled off her running to-do list. While sharing this, my client acknowledged that the list helps her stay organized, but it also weighs on her and stresses her out.
This experience is not unfamiliar to me. As an organizer, planner, and initiator in my family life and personal life, I know to-do lists and future-planning well. I’m also privy to the impulse to DO, DO, DO, which makes it challenging to just BE. This is an aspect of my life that I nurture with meditation, writing, and boundaries on a daily basis.
Can you relate?
I certainly don’t want to diminish the ways that this time of year can be sacred, special, and moving. I know that despite the perceived or created busyness of it all, the holiday season can be a time of tradition, coming together, joy, and connection.
In fact, this is what I want more of! This is what I hear parents needing to create for themselves and their families! This is where we can put more of our energy.
No matter what you are going through this holiday season, and no matter where you fall on the spectrum of stress and ease, setting intentions can be a powerful practice.
Yesterday was Day 1 in my Intention-Setting for the Holidays challenge! While planning this challenge, I felt really in flow with life, with what parents are asking for, and with what I personally need.
It’s not too late to hop into the challenge, so please join me!
This 5-day challenge is a guided process that supports parents in visualizing and naming their ideal– peaceful, joyful, and loving– holiday season. It incorporates powerful meditations that can be used daily throughout the next few months (and beyond). You will also have access to self-reflection tools that support you in balancing your energy, especially when it comes to giving and receiving.
By days 4 and 5 you will develop clear intentions that will anchor and ground you. These will guide and support you in the coming months, as you manifest the peace, joy, and love you want and need in your family life. As the challenge facilitator, I offer one-on-one support and feedback as you engage in this reflection and manifestation process.
Here’s a preview of the Day 1 content to get you started:
Congratulations on giving yourself the time and space to reflect, imagine, and manifest the holiday season you need and deserve. This 5-day intention-setting process is a gentle commitment to yourself– a commitment to growing peace and ease in your life.
Today we will start with self-reflection and curiosity. This exploration becomes the foundation of what we visualize, what we intend, and ultimately what we create. So, I invite you to slow down and take your time on today’s activity.
Print the attached document. Using words and/or doodles and drawings, get curious about what a peaceful, joyful, and loving holiday season means to you. (If one of these words resonates most strongly with you, consider focusing strictly on that one.)
Join us in the group to share and process in community.
I work with teen, tweens, and their families to build pathways to deeper connection, communication, and ease. As an online Child-Centered and Teen Life Coach, I support and guide the entire family. I work 1:1 with teens and tweens to grow confidence, move out of anxiety, and develop and renew their authentic sense of self. As an experienced educator, having taught grades 1-12 in a wide range of subject areas, I have a strong background in Social and Emotional Learning, Restorative Practices, and Yoga and Mindfulness. Sign up for a Breakthrough Call here.
Originally published at