We’ve been talking a lot about illness, death, stress, anxiety and all the emotional challenges that come with being in the eye of the storm. That being COVID-19. We’ve felt isolation, loneliness, and uncertainty and yet isn’t that our cue to do something? Anything?
I understand that life challenges can leave us paralyzed, numb and feeling as if we want to sleep it out until life gets better.
Here’s the secret. Life will only get better when you make it so.
As confused and contradictive as human beings are, and trust me it must be in our DNA, we also have a strength, resiliency and drive buried in our soul. This is what we need to tap into.
Let’s flip this tough and confusing time on its head and start to unite with ourselves and others. I’m not talking about you sell me, and I sell you. I’m talking about making meaningful connections so that we all thrive. We talk a GREAT game and yet, come on, we see right through the mirror once the smoke has disappeared. It’s our cloak, It’s our armour. A shield to protect us from being rejected. However, it’s also a mindset.
Isn’t it interesting that when we’re invited to the table, so to speak, we have a certain confidence and awareness about ourselves when we feel welcomed? Our self-esteem is bolstered, our body language conveys openness.
Alternatively, when we want to sit at the table, and yet haven’t been asked, we stop ourselves from doing the asking. We hesitate because we don’t want to feel awkward or embarrassed in any way. Of course, we want to feel welcomed and embraced. Which then means that we need to approach this differently. More proactively.
I’m suggesting ….
Act as if you’ve already been invited to sit at the table. Approach this in an open and confident demeanour. Lead with curiosity. Acting as if doesn’t mean that you’re cocky or pompous in any way. It means that you’re willing to connect. It means that you’re setting yourself up to be approachable to the possibilities. Open to the conversations. Leading with an optimistic viewpoint.
We all have a lot to offer and yet I’ve noticed that when we feel less than ourselves, we hesitate to take the next step. We stop ourselves from having conversations.
If your approach isn’t working for you when you haven’t been asked into the room, let alone offered a seat, then you need to flip this on its head. Know that you have absolutely zero to lose. And, as they say, everything to gain. It’s worth it. You’re worth it.
Oh, and if for some reason you don’t have a seat at the table, then build your own table and invite others to sit. Invite me! I’ll be there – these days via zoom or otherwise.
It’s time to connect.