“When we strive to become better than we are, everything around us becomes better too.” —  Paulo Coelho

Generally associated with sports and gamers, talking trash is the language used to psyche out an opponent. Even though it is an accepted part of these activities, the overreach has entered society’s everyday world.

Talking trash, badmouthing, putting someone down, and gossip all have subtle differences, yet there is one commonality; the energy put into the universe is negative. It serves no purpose to raise the vibrations of either party involved.

But why is it so prevalent?

To be disparaging to others has become an accepted tool for social climbers and those in power. An office manager may use negative remarks to motivate the sales force. Similarly, a coach may poke and prod the team to do better, by belittling the players. Surprisingly, it often has a positive effect. But the motivation is based on negativity and sometimes it is by sowing seeds of doubt to win an advantage over someone else.

So if it works, how can it be bad?  Just because something may appear to have the results intended doesn’t mean they are good. A bully intends to make another feel bad while building themselves up; the end does not justify the means.

Thanks to the laws of karma, what we put into the universe will ultimately be returned to us. Essentially cause and effect are far-reaching, beyond the immediate outcome. Yet, we may forget this in the heart of a juicy gossip session.

Speaking ill to or about someone has become acceptable. Societal norms morphed while social decorum lapsed. We now find ourselves at the edge of a moral abyss. It is time to reevaluate the standards by which we communicate.

Growing up with the words, If you don’t have anything nice to say, don’t say anything at all, gave us a sense of accountability. Not only did we own what came out of our mouths, but our behavior as well.

Society’s moral compass needs realignment. Sportsmanship, civility, scruples, social protocols, etiquette, and common decency are all practices that need to be championed.

What we learn to tolerate will become so.

We can change the world, and it begins with ourselves. Raising the vibration of ourselves will, in turn, raise the vibration of our individual world. And when those individual worlds meet, they will exponentially grow to create a world that uplifts rather than tears down.

The satisfaction of making another feel less will be replaced with the gratification of watching someone excel and an understanding that when one succeeds, we all succeed.

So let’s trash the trash talk, and become the world we want to live in.

“Watch your thoughts; they become words. Watch your words; they become actions. Watch your actions; they become habits. Watch your habits; they become character. Watch your character; it becomes your destiny.”

— Lao-Tze


  • Charisse Glenn

    Casting Director, Equestrian and Creator of The Let Go

    Charisse Glenn, Casting Director, Equestrian, and Creator of The Let Go She is 63 pushing upwards, gray, aging gracefully and has lots to say.  She is half Japanese and has the wisdom of that culture she was born into. US-born she has been a casting director for commercials in Los Angeles for 35 years and is an equestrian having competed in 100-mile horse races around the world. The blog she writes called The Let Go serves as a reminder to let go of all that no longer works in our lives, opening a pathway to happiness, love, and balance. Proudly she embraces the freedoms age provides serving as a role model to both men and women. She is a badass with a beautiful soft touch. You can find her on either of her websites or follow her on social media. Follower her on Clubbhose: Let That Shit Go!